Decision on Keystone XL pipeline coming Monday, Nov. 20

From the Lincoln Journal Star:

The Nebraska Public Service Commission will announce its decision on the Keystone XL oil pipeline next week.

The commission’s five elected members plan to vote on a proposed order during a public meeting at 10 a.m. Monday at the commission headquarters, 1200 N St., Suite 300, according to a news release. The release didn’t say whether a majority of commissioners plan to support approving or denying the application by pipeline builder TransCanada.

Doors to the hearing room open at 9:30 a.m. A live video feed of the hearing will be provided by the commission and shared at

Nebraska’s approval is one of the final necessary steps before TransCanada could begin turning dirt on the 1,179-mile project, which would move Canadian oil sands from Hardisty, Alberta, to the U.S. Gulf Coast. The proposal has been a subject of controversy for nearly a decade.

Read the full story.

Join Bold Nebraska and the Pipeline Fighters in attending the meeting.

Upcoming Lincoln events: Support peace, understand voters, protect water, get free stuff

Nebraskans For Peace 2017 Annual Peace Conference

  • What: 2017 Annual Peace Conference: “Living Within the Natural Laws” and “A Revolutionary Approach to Reclaiming Our Democracy — Beginning with Local Food and Farming.”
  • When: Saturday, October 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Where: Trinity United Methodist Church, 7130 Kentwell Lane in Lincoln
  • View full agenda and register.

2017 E.N. Thompson Forum

  • What: “Why People Vote for Those Who Work Against Their Best Interests”
  • When: Tuesday, October 10, 7 p.m.
  • Where: Lied Center Main Stage, 12th & R Streets, Lincoln
  • Learn more.

Discussion of Lincoln’s Water Future, by the Nebraska League of Conservation Voters

  • What: A Discussion with three of Lincoln’s top water leaders and experts: Paul Zillig, General Manager of the Lower Platte South NRD, Steve Owens, Superintendent of Lincoln Water Systems, and Leirion Gaylor Baird of the Lincoln City Council.
  • When: Thursday, October 12th, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
  • Where: UNL City Campus Union, 1400 R Street, Lincoln NE 68588
  • Free and open to the public, followed by Q&A. Register here.


  • What: Bring items to give away and find great items from others to claim as your own. Everything is free.
  • When: Saturday, October 21, 2017
  • Where: The Bay, 2005 Y Street, Lincoln
  • Why: To inspire free culture and strong community relations.

LJS Editorial: Nonpartisan candidates face too high a bar

From the Lincoln Journal Star Editorial Board:

Thanks to a late addition to a far-reaching elections bill, nonpartisan candidates seeking election to statewide offices in Nebraska now face the hardest road in the country to appear on the ballot.

Hopefuls must now obtain signatures from 10 percent of the state’s registered voters – roughly 119,000 people – to appear on the ballot as an independent candidate, up from 4,000. Six percent of all Nebraskans must sign off on any potential independent candidacy for statewide offices such as governor and United States senator.

This change is simply bad business for Nebraska elections – and the idea of a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The last thing democracy needs is a chilling effect on the ultimate form of political participation: running for office.

Read the full editorial.

Sept. 18 discussion in Omaha: How climate change affects public health

From the Nebraska League of Conservation Voters:

Please consider attending a discussion September 18 about the effects of climate change on public health. The speaker, Dr. Ali S. Khan, is one of the world’s foremost experts on this topic.

  • When: Monday, September 18, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
  • Where: Weitz Community Engagement Center, UNO Dodge Street Campus, Omaha
  • Free and open to the public. Light refreshments provided.
  • To attend, please register here.

Dr. Ali Khan, Former Assistant Surgeon General and current Dean of the College of Public Health at UNMC, will speak about how climate change impacts public health. He will discuss how our health is currently being impacted by climate change, and share some of the top concerns the public health field has about the future and how we can prepare for it. There will be time for Q&A.

The League previously had Dr. Khan speak at the Conservation Summit, and the room was full. We recommend registering now to ensure you have a seat at the upcoming event on September 18. Please register here.

A spiritual gathering in support of sound policy in Lincoln Aug. 29

From Nebraskans for Peace:

We Will Not Be Left Behind: The Proposed Federal Budget and Ordinary People

The event will have a spiritual focus and will remind Lincoln and Nebraskans that the government has an obligation to protect the lives of poor and ordinary people through the provision of decent health care, education for civic competence and jobs, and uncontaminated water, air, and land.

  • When: Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 7 p.m.
  • Where: Malone Center Auditorium, 2032 U Street, Lincoln

The events of Charlottesville are not isolated from the general efforts in this country to cut programs designed to help people of all cultures and races flourish. We wish to speak to a budget that will support everyone’s empowerment.

The program will begin with music and prayers, continue with remarks from representatives of the most affected communities, go on to a federal budget analysis from Appleseed, and close with a meditation on values, a prayer and music.  We hope for a good crowd.

The event is sponsored by NFP, NAACP Lincoln, Nebraska Appleseed, Sacred Winds, and El Centro de las Americas.

Solidarity Vigil for Charlottesville

From the Nebraska Left Coalition and the Lincoln Democratic Socialists of America:

On August 12, White Supremacists rammed a car through a group of counter-protesters standing against the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville.

One is confirmed dead, and at least 19 injured. The victims include our comrades in both DSA and the IWW.

Join us for a candlelight vigil as we stand in solidary against hate. We are gathering Sunday, August 13, from 8 to 9 p.m. at 1300 P Street.

We will also be collecting donations towards the medical expenses of the victims. Currently all funds raised at the vigil will be directed to this fundraiser.

Join the Facebook event.

Hundreds protest in Lincoln on the eve of KXL hearings

From the Lincoln Journal Star:

Over 500 protesters from across the country converged outside the state Capitol and onto downtown streets Sunday afternoon in response to TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline.

The protest comes on the eve of week-long proceedings in front of the Nebraska Public Service Commission where local landowners, TransCanada representatives, Native American tribal leaders and others will present testimony on whether or not the pipeline serves the public interest.

The proceedings mark the last major hurdle TransCanada must get over for approval of the pipeline, which would carry nearly 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada through Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska for export.

K Street on the north side of the Capitol was blocked off as hundreds of sign-bearing protesters gathered. After speakers rallied the crowd, Native protesters astride horses led a march north down 16th Street.

Read the full story.


Upcoming events: KXL hearings, Green Drinks, solar workshop, and more

Keystone XL Public Hearing

  • When: Wednesday, July 26, at 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (doors open at 9 a.m.).
  • Where: Ralston Arena, 7300 Q Street, Omaha.
  • What: Your final opportunity to speak on the record against KXL.

Omaha Green Drinks

  • When: Wednesday, July 26, at 5:30 p.m.
  • Where: Whole Foods Market, 10020 Regency Pkwy, Omaha.
  • What: Carpool, cycle, walk, or ride the bus! This is a great way to network, inspire, share ideas, and catch up with other “Green” people! Please RSVP on Facebook.

LES Sustainable Living Festival

  • When: Saturday, July 29, at 9 a.m. to noon
  • Where: The Railyard, West Haymarket, Lincoln.
  • What: Come and learn how you can help build a more sustainable Lincoln. Read more.

Solar Energy Workshop

  • When: Saturday, August 5, at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Where: Eiseley Branch Library, 1530 Superior, Lincoln.
  • What: Hosted by Community Crops, this workshop will discuss the economics and installation options that are available in Lincoln. Register here ($5 fee).

Reminder: March to Give Keystone XL the Boot

  • When: Sunday, August 6, at 3 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Where: Beginning at the State Capitol.
  • What: Hundreds of Nebraskans, along with Water Protectors and Pipeline Fighters from near and far, will come together in Lincoln on the eve of the week-long Keystone XL intervenor hearings at the Nebraska Public Service Commission, and march through the streets to send the message that Keystone XL is a threat to our land, water and climate, and not in the public interest. Read more and sign up.

Stand With Us: Keystone XL Intervenor Hearings

  • When: Monday, August 7, through Friday, August 11. Starts at 9 a.m. daily.
  • Where: Nebraska Public Service Commission, 1200 N Street, Suite 300, Lincoln.
  • What: The Nebraska Public Service Commission has scheduled its “intervenor” public hearings on TransCanada’s permit for its proposed Keystone XL pipeline. More than 90 landowners who have refused to sell their land to TransCanada for the pipeline and fought eminent domain in court will challenge the permit, along with 30+ Nebraska residents, the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska and Yankton Sioux Tribe, Bold Nebraska, Sierra Club, and Oil Change International. Read more and RSVP.

Aug. 6 march in Lincoln: Give KXL the Boot!

From BOLD Nebraska:

Join the March to Give Keystone XL the Boot in Lincoln on June 19. For nine years, Pipeline Fighters and Water Protectors have been fighting the Keystone XL pipeline, which is abusing eminent domain for private gain, trampling sovereign rights, and threatening our land, water, and climate.

The final regulatory hurdle for KXL is at the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC), which is planning a week-long public hearing August 7-11 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nebraska is our last stand, and the PSC will be voting on whether to accept or reject TransCanada’s permit application.

On the eve of the hearing — Sunday, August 6 — we call on all Pipeline Fighters to join us in Lincoln for the March to Give Keystone XL the Boot.

Join a discussion of Omaha’s water future July 20

From the Nebraska League of Conservation Voters:

On July 20, we will have an event focused on Omaha’s Water Future. Water isn’t just necessary for our survival, it is also essential for the success of our agricultural economy, industry, and energy generation. At this discussion about the future of Omaha’s water, we will explore the greatest threats to Omaha’s water supply, what is being done to address them, and the role that you can play in protecting this essential resource. Discussion leaders at this event will be John Winkler, General Manager of the Papio-Missouri NRD, and Dr. Alan Kolok, Director at the Center for Environmental Health and Toxicology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health.

  • What: Omaha’s Water Future, a discussion with John Winkler and Alan Kolok
  • Where: Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center, UNO Dodge Street Campus
  • When: Thursday, July 20th, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
  • Register for the event.