Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with Greens locally, nationally, and globally.

Let us know about your interests.

Get Connected & Stay Informed

Feel free to like the Nebraska Green Party on Facebook. Just remember that the NSA is watching.

Raise Your Voice

Support the 10 Key Values by contacting your elected representatives and letting them know how you feel. Don’t be discouraged — sometimes they DO listen!

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (District 1):

    • (202) 225-4806 (Washington DC)
    • (402) 438-1598 (Lincoln)
    • (402) 379-2064 (Norfolk)
  • (402) 727-0888 (Fremont)

Rep. Don Bacon (District 2):

    • (888) 221-7452 (Washington DC)
    • (402) 938-0300 (Omaha)

Rep. Adrian Smith (District 3):

    • (202) 225-6435 (Washington DC)
    • (308) 384-3900 (Grand Island)
  •  (308) 633-6333 (Scottsbluff)

In the Unicameral, find your Nebraska State Senator.

Join the Party

Have you read About Us and Our 10 Key Values? Do you agree? Are you inspired? Then join us! Send your support — whatever you can afford — to this address:

The Nebraska Green Party
P.O. Box 85442
Lincoln, NE 68501-5442

We also accept donations via Paypal.

As a grassroots, all-volunteer organization, we use your donations wisely and efficiently toward party-building activities, including postage, online marketing, and our annual convention (potluck style). Expenses for our fancy T-shirts and other promotional materials are managed separately.

Note that supporting members must reside in Nebraska. Contributions are not tax deductible. (Unlike contributions to the Heritage Foundation.)

In Nebraska, we are organized by U.S. Congressional Districts. After joining, you may want to attend District meetings:

Nebraska Congressional Districts