About Us

The Nebraska Green Party is part of a global political movement seeking to enact change through democratic, non-violent, grassroots, non-corporate means. It is a member of the Green Party of the United States.

Read about our history, our bylaws, and how to contact us.

Our party maintains its platform and makes its political decisions based on our Ten Key Values rather than values influences by corporate contributions. We believe that the Democratic and Republican parties primarily serve the interests of big business and the fickle whims of national polls. In Nebraska, our party works to:

  • Increase the use of clean and renewable wind energy.
  • Keep our streets and homes safe by establishing sensible gun laws.
  • Protect family farms and use sustainable, organic farming methods.
  • Reform campaign finance laws and establish instant runoff voting.
  • Protect civil rights and civil liberties.
  • Protect women’s right to safe and legal abortion.
  • End the death penalty because it is unjust and inhumane, and it perpetuates the cycle of violence.
  • Prioritize public education.
  • Keep Nebraska’s highways and railroads safe by preventing the flow of nuclear waste across our state.
  • Protect our wetlands, forests, and prairies from encroaching urban sprawl.

We believe that the Nebraska Green Party brings voters a positive, hope-filled message, rather than a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Our party is managed by the State Council, which is comprised of two co-chairs, a secretary, a treasurer, and several district representatives. They are elected by the body of members during an annual convention.