Tag Archives: Social Justice

In reversal, Unicameral moves anti-discrimination bill to floor

From the Omaha World-Herald:

A bill banning job discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is back on the front burner in the Nebraska Legislature.

The measure, patterned after an anti-bias ordinance in Omaha, appeared dead in February. But after a change of heart, a state legislative committee advanced Legislative Bill 485 to debate by the full Legislature.

“It’s a good day for equal rights,” said Lincoln Sen. Danielle Conrad, sponsor of the anti-bias bill.

Read more.

Study: “Donors” get more access than “constituents”

From the WaPo’s Post Politics:

It’s a widely accepted truism in Washington: Campaign donations buy access. While that belief governs much about the way politics operate, there’s a surprising lack of scientific evidence to bolster that assumption, which is the subject of substantial academic debate. Two political science graduate students are now seeking to bring some precision to that discussion through the kind of randomized, controlled study used to test the impact of pharmaceuticals. Read more.