Tag Archives: Feminism

Attend the Green Party’s Presidential Nominating Convention in Houston

From Jill2016.com:

Jill Stein supporters from around the country will be in Houston August 4-7 for the Green Party’s Presidential Nominating Convention — and you’re invited!

This may just be the most exciting national Green Party meeting ever, with Jill Stein climbing in the polls and record numbers of Americans demanding a better choice than what the establishment parties are offering. If you want to get involved in the surging national movement for an America that works for all of us, Houston is the place to be!

One of the highlights of the convention will be the Party for the Revolution on Saturday, August 6, where Jill will kick off the final phase of her game-changing presidential campaign. There will be great music, inspiring speeches, and a chance to get to know Jill’s Vice-Presidential running mate.

Before that, starting on Thursday, August 4, the Green Party will host workshops and presentations on all aspects of the exploding movement for independent progressive politics.

Staff from the Stein campaign will be on hand to lead a number of workshops on the techniques and strategies that are being used in 2016 to fight for people, planet and peace over profit. There will also be a set of hands-on workshops on Sunday morning to help you plug in to the action and take the revolution back to your home state. Don’t miss what’s sure to be an unforgettable and historic gathering of revolutionaries in the fight for a better future.

It’s in our hands!

Read more about the agenda in Houston and register to attend.

Nebraska Green Party State Convention: June 26 in Lincoln

The Nebraska Green Party will hold its 2016 State Convention on June 26 in Lincoln. Members will gather at The Meeting Place, 1239 South 14th Street. The meeting begins at 1 p.m.

Members will select the party’s choice for the U.S. presidential election and select delegates to represent Nebraska at the Green Party National Convention, held this year in Houston, August 4-7.

Read more about the two recognized candidates seeking the Green Party nomination, William Kreml and Jill Stein.

Read more about the National Convention.



Action Alert: Help petition for ballot access at Earth Day events

Upcoming Earth Day celebrations provide opportunities to gather signatures and ensure that the Nebraska Green Party appears on the ballot for Nebraska voters in November:

Earth Day Omaha

  • Saturday, April 16
  • 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Elmwood Park
  • Contact markalanzimmermann (at) gmail.com to help.

Earth Day Lincoln

  • Saturday, April 23
  • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Union Plaza
  • Contact  mjberry (at) inebraska.com to help.

Charles E. Richardson: 1935-2016

Founding Co-chair of the Nebraska Green Party, Dr. Charles Richardson, died on Monday, March 7, 2016, in Hastings. Thank you, Charles, for your early Green Party support, your tireless District 3 work gathering hundreds of signatures in each petition campaign, convening meetings, and providing NGP visibility where we needed it most. Members of the Nebraska Green Party extend sympathy to your family and friends.

Read Charles’ obituary.

Super Tuesday: The empire strikes back, but the rebellion lives

From Jill Stein and Jill2016.com:

Super Tuesday was a big win for oligarchy, as the Democratic Party establishment delivered over 60% of available delegates for Hillary Clinton and billionaire demagogue Donald Trump stomped to victory in 8 states.

But despite the dominance of Clinton and Trump, the millions of votes for Bernie Sanders show that Americans are hungry for sweeping changes to a broken system that’s throwing workers, students, the middle class and the poor under the bus.

I agree with Bernie and his supporters that we must take our democracy back from the billionaires, win economic justice for the 99%, confront the existential threat of climate meltdown, adopt an improved Medicare For All healthcare system, provide a welcoming path to citizenship, and end racist violence in our criminal justice system.

On many issues, we must go further – for example, by canceling all student loan debt, urgently transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, nationalizing the Federal Reserve, and reforming the electoral system with measures like proportional representation. And we must roll back the military-industrial-surveillance complex that is undermining our liberty and security while bankrupting us financially and morally.

Read more at Jill2016.com.

Dr. Jill Stein: People’s State of the Union

From jill2016.com:

The Precarious State of Our Union: A Bipartisan Disaster We Can Fix

From the viewpoint of everyday Americans, the State of our Union, in point of fact, is not strong. In reality, we are in a state of historic crisis – for our economy, ecology, democracy and security.

Thankfully, these crises are still eminently solvable. With a majority of Americans disapproving of both establishment parties, there is unprecedented momentum for a new way forward, based on principles of democracy, justice and peace, towards an America and a world that works for all of us.

Republicans have long been recognized as unabashed servants of the economic elite, leading the charge against the public interest. But they have not been alone.

Democratic priorities were clear when President Obama had two Democratic Houses of Congress to support him, as the party went to bat for trillions in Wall Street bailouts, tax cuts for the rich, job-killing corporate trade agreements, austerity budgets, health care reform that locked single payer out and private profits in, mass deportations of hardworking immigrants, privatization of schools, expanding wars for oil and regime change, climate-killing “all of the above” energy policies, and unprecedented assaults on privacy and press freedoms.

As a result of this bipartisan assault, we have not had a recovery by any measure.

Read the full People’s State of the Union.

Winona LaDuke, former GP vice presidential nominee, to speak at UNL May 14

From the Center for Great Plains Studies:

Winona LaDuke, a Native American activist, environmentalist, economist, and writer known for her work on tribal land claims and preservation, will speak at Kimball Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m. on May 14. The talk is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required.

LaDuke was the vice presidential nominee of the Green Party of the United States in both 1996 and 2000. Today she is the executive director of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, a nonprofit that seeks to recover land for the Anishinaabeg people and to develop programs for environmental preservation.

Read more about this even and others at the Center for Great Plains Studies.

Next Holland Speaker: Angela Davis on Prison Reform, March 4

From the First Unitarian Church of Omaha:

The next Holland Lecture will be on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Speaker Angela Davis will deliver her talk, “Prison Reform: Real or Imagined.”

Angela Davis, is a writer, activist and scholar and comes to Omaha to share her unique perspectives on prison reform, a topic front and center in current state as well as national debates. She envisions a future without prisons and advocates for dissolving what she coined the “prison industrial complex.” Ms. Davis grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, giving her a front row seat to the Civil Rights Movement. In the 1960s, her social activism, involvement in the Communist Party and “alleged” association with the Soledad Brothers attempted courtroom escape made her a controversial figure. The latter led to an intense police search that ended with her arrest, trial and eventual acquittal of the charges. Ms. Davis has written nine books and is Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness and the Feminist Studies departments at the University of California Santa Cruz.

Read more on the Holland Lecture Series from the First Unitarian Church of Omaha.

Nebraska LGBT Town Hall Meetings

From ACLU of Nebraska:

Join the ACLU of Nebraska, national partner the Human Rights Campaign, and community groups around the state for a community meeting close to you to discuss the results of the recent survey of LGBT people in Nebraska. The response was overwhelming. Thousands of LGBT people in Nebraska and across the country shared their lived experiences at home, school, work, and in their houses of worship. They told us what their priorities are for moving our community forward. You won’t want to miss out on the results of one of the largest surveys of LGBT people in the country. Come hear the results of the survey – and add your voice to the conversation.

Upcoming meetings in Scottsbluff, Kearney, Grand Island, Lincoln, Omaha, and Norfolk.

Read more.