In reversal, Unicameral moves anti-discrimination bill to floor

From the Omaha World-Herald:

A bill banning job discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is back on the front burner in the Nebraska Legislature.

The measure, patterned after an anti-bias ordinance in Omaha, appeared dead in February. But after a change of heart, a state legislative committee advanced Legislative Bill 485 to debate by the full Legislature.

“It’s a good day for equal rights,” said Lincoln Sen. Danielle Conrad, sponsor of the anti-bias bill.

Read more.

Gardening, Farming & Ranching Workshops for Women from CFRA

From the Center for Rural Affairs:

Attention women who are getting started in gardening, farming, and ranching: We have some great learning opportunities for you here in Nebraska!

If you are dreaming of owning a farm or ranch, we have just the session for you. Our Farm Dreams Workshop is designed to help people seeking practical, common-sense information on whether farming or ranching is the right next step.

If you know you want to be a farmer or rancher, our Farm Business Financing Workshop will help you design a business plan and access financing for your agricultural operation. These are essential to your success, and this intensive session will deliver what you need to know.

Maybe your interested in Selling at the Farmers Market? We’ve got tips and tricks to help you rock! This workshop is perfect for those getting started or thinking about this direct to consumer market. Perhaps you’ve heard of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) systems? Our final workshop gives you the low-down on that model.

The workshops are offered on various Saturdays in April through June. All sessions are $5 and include lunch. Read more.

2014 GPUS Annual Meeting: July 24-27 in St. Paul, Minn.

From the Green Party of the United States:

The Green Party of the United States is holding its Annual National Meeting in Saint Paul, Minnesota, this July. The meeting will be a great place to connect with hundreds of Greens from across the country, see Green elected officials and candidates, and learn new campaigning and organizing skills.

This year marks 30 years of Green Party organizing in the United States. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Back to Our Roots: People. Planet. Principles.”

The schedule will include informative workshops on party-building skills, candidate training, and Green issues. The first confirmed speaker is Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics and other works on civilization, consciousness, and cultural evolution.

The meeting will be held on the campus of Macalester College from July 24 to 27. Lodging and meals will be available in university facilities.

Read more and register.

Dr. Yakir Englander of Kids4Peace speaking at UNO April 5

From the University of Nebraska Omaha:

Dr. Yakir Englander, vice president of Kids4Peace International, will present “The role of Theology in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Kids4Peace: Interfaith in Jerusalem” on Saturday, April 5, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the UNO Community Engagement Center’s Community Dialogue Room. The event is organized by SPHRS, Project Interfaith, and the UNO Religious Studies Department. Read more.

Upcoming Conference: Greening Houses of Worship

From Nebraska Interfaith Power & Light:

Can Nebraskans be moved to take action on climate change? It’s possible, if the subject is presented in a language that people understand.

The Nebraska chapter of Interfaith Power & Light is working hard to reach people of faith. Their first conference is coming up and deserves all our support.

Join us Saturday, April 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Nebraska Wesleyan University’s Callen Hall. Cost is $35.

The keynote speaker is Rabbi Lawrence Troster, one of the leading eco-theologians in the world. He has published and lectured widely on theology, environmentalism, liturgy, bioethics, modern cosmology, and Judaism.

All faith traditions welcome. Hope to see you there!

Register here.

Advocate for clean energy through OPPD Listens

From Clean Energy Nebraska:

Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) has announced a stakeholder initiative called OPPD Listens with the intent to educate and engage the public, working with constituents to shape the utility’s collective energy future.  Public input will be gathered in a three-phased approach starting March 18 and wrapping up April 30. You can get involved through open houses, focus groups, and online meetings. Learn more.

Meet pipeline fighter Sheldon Whitehouse in Omaha March 19

From Bold Nebraska:

Bold Nebraska, clean energy developers, and landowners on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline route will welcome U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Iowa State Sen. Rob Hogg, along with winning attorney David Domina, to a Pipeline Fighter event in Omaha on Wednesday afternoon, March 19, 2-3 p.m., at the Slowdown. We will talk climate, public health, clean energy, and why Keystone XL is not in our national interest. Read more.

Study: “Donors” get more access than “constituents”

From the WaPo’s Post Politics:

It’s a widely accepted truism in Washington: Campaign donations buy access. While that belief governs much about the way politics operate, there’s a surprising lack of scientific evidence to bolster that assumption, which is the subject of substantial academic debate. Two political science graduate students are now seeking to bring some precision to that discussion through the kind of randomized, controlled study used to test the impact of pharmaceuticals. Read more.