NEBRASKA GREEN PARTY CANDIDATES . . . Green Party candidates for 2008 in Partisan elections are Steven R. Larrick, U.S. Senate; and for Douglas County Board, District 1: Scott Hoffman; District 3: Derek Glaser; District 5: Susan Koneck. Laverne Thraen has filed for the Non-Partisan OPPD Board of Directors Metro District, and Doug Paterson is a candidate for Public Service Commission District 2 in Omaha.
ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY VIGILS . . . Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty have vigiled continuously in front of the governor’s mansion (and inside the state capitol during winter) every Monday for years. The steadfast group has grown small with moves away from Lincoln, and the effort needs new energy, particular in August when regular vigilers are also out of town. Meet in front of the governor’s mansion, 1425 H Street, Lincoln, Mondays from noon to 1:00pm. You may be one of only a few people, or you may be alone, but your presence will continue a long tradition of protest against state killings in Nebraska. For more information contact NADP at 402.477.7787.
OMAHA GREEN DRINKS . . . Green Drinks International, an informal, self-organizing social network of people involved with or interested in environmental concerns meets in Omaha this month on Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 5:30pm to close, at Whole Foods Market, 10020 Regency Circle, in the education room near the restaurant seating, across from the coffee bar. Green Drinks are now organized in 390 cities worldwide.
WEDNESDAY PEACE VIGILS . . . Join weekly peace vigils at the Federal Building, 15th and O streets in Lincoln, every Wednesday from 5:00 to 6:00pm. Contact Mark at 402-499-6672 or mark at weddleton dot com for more information.
LINCOLN CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT . . . Should seated City Council members be allowed to continue making money for themselves by contracting with the City? With 4,712 valid signatures of Lincoln residents, this question can be added to the November 4, 2008 ballot. Volunteers helping in this campaign need to return notarized petitions to Vic Covalt’s office, 1045 Lincoln Mall, Suite 200, no later than Wednesday, July 23, 2008. If you want to sign a petition, they are still available from Covalt, from Patte Newman, and other circulators. For more information, phone 402.436.3030, or e-mail vcovalt at ballewcovalt dot com.
STRAW BALE WORKSHOP . . . A workshop on the design and construction of straw bale buildings will be Saturday, July 26, 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Turbine Flats Project, 2124 Y Street, Lincoln. Site selection, building placement, space utilization, buying and storing bales, preparing bales for stacking, preparing walls for coating and installation of electrical and plumbing lines will be covered. For more information and to pre-register, call 402.483.5135, or e-mail info at lincolngreenbuildinggroup dot com.
WASTECAP NEBRASKA ASSESSMENTS . . . WasteCap Nebraska has developed agreements with recyclers, and will conduct free on-site waste assessments, employee training, workshops and product recycling research, as well as recycling contract management services. The non-profit organization is “working cooperatively for Recycling Services.” For more information, phone 402.436.2383.
FELLING OF LINCOLN HIGH TREES A DISGRACE . . . The Lincoln Journal Star Local View linked here provides background information about the destruction of numerous mature trees at Lincoln High School, some of which were planted as memorials to former principals, to honor Vietnam POWs and those missing in action, and to commemorate Lincoln High’s Centennial. In addition to sentimental, visual, and aesthetic value of the trees, there are other issues: the cost to maintain new vegetation, the ecological impact of removing trees that provided oxygen and shade, the fact that they also provided a noise barrier between traffic on Capitol Parkway and the school, the fact that removal of the trees west of the building will now expose it to afternoon sun requiring more of the cooling system, and the cost of uprooting these trees, buying new ones, and planting them. ACTION: Communicate opposition to a variety of people in an effort to persuade the Board of Education to discontinue this tree removal plan in favor of a more reasonable compromise. Write letters to the editor of the Lincoln Journal Star: oped at journalstar dot com. Call or write: Michael Wortman, Principal of Lincoln High School, 402.436.1301 or e-mail mwortman at lps dot org; Susan Gourley, Superintendent of Schools, 402.4361000, sgourley at lps dot org, and e-mail your School Board representative at
DESOTO NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE DAY HIKE . . . Sunday, July 27, 2008, join Omaha Green Bob Goetschkes, Missouri Valley Group Hiking and Backpacking Outings Leader, for an exploratory day hike along four short nature trails and various dirt roads to observe spring wildlife, especially migratory birds. Dress appropriately; prepare for ticks and mosquitoes. To carpool, meet at King Kong across from Rosenblatt on 13th Street (exit 454 on I-80) by 8:15am, or be at the DeSoto visitor’s center by 9:00am. For more information, phone Bob at 402.614.4788, or e-mail bobbygoetschkes at hotmail dot com.
GROW AND SHARE FRESH PRODUCE . . . Area gardeners are invited to take excess fruits and vegetables to Campbell’s Nurseries, 2342 South 40th Street and 7000 South 56th Street, Lincoln, where it will be collected by the Food Bank and distributed to 100 agencies in Southeast Nebraska that serve low-income individuals and families. Produce may also be dropped off at the Food Bank, 4840 Doris Bair Circle (three blocks north of 48th & Superior Streets), 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Do not pre-wash or refrigerate produce, and transport it in paper sacks rather than plastic bags to avoid spoilage.
FOOD ENTREPRENEUR WORKSHOP . . . The registration deadline is Monday, July 28, 2008, for a one-day seminar sponsored by the UN-L Food Processing Center for individuals interested in exploring the idea of starting a food manufacturing business. The “From Recipe to Reality” seminar is Friday, August 8th. Pre-registration is required, there is a fee, and space is limited. Phone 402.472.2819, or e-mail jgifford1 at unl dot edu for an information packet.
We are not the alternative; we are the imperative. ReShape ’08. Register Green. Vote Green.