LINCOLN AREA GREENS MONTHLY MEETING . . . Congressional District 1 Greens will meet Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 7:00pm at Jones Coffee, 727 South 11th Street, in Lincoln. Greg Keller, a Lincoln High School journalism teacher, will speak about the destruction of numerous mature trees at the school, some of which were planted as memorials to former principals, to honor Vietnam POWs and those missing in action, and to commemorate Lincoln High’s Centennial. “Felling of Lincoln High trees a disgrace,” a Lincoln Journal Star letter to the editor, is here for background. In addition to sentimental, visual, and aesthetic value of the trees, there are other issues: the cost to maintain new vegetation, the ecological impact of removing trees that provided oxygen and shade, the fact that they also provided a noise barrier between traffic on Capitol Parkway and the school, the fact that removal of the trees west of the building will now expose it to afternoon sun requiring more of the cooling system, and the cost of uprooting these trees, buying new ones, and planting them. ACTION: Communicate opposition to a variety of people in an effort to persuade the Board of Education to discontinue this tree removal plan in favor of a more reasonable compromise. Write letters to the editor of the Lincoln Journal Star: oped at journalstar dot com. Call or write: Michael Wortman, Principal of Lincoln High School, 402.436.1301 or e-mail mwortman at lps dot org; Susan Gourley, Superintendent of Schools, 402.4361000, sgourley at lps dot org, and e-mail your School Board representative here.
LINCOLN GREEN DRINKS . . . Students and people working in the environmental field as professionals, volunteers, or activists are invited to meet at social networking, self-organizing events known as Green Drinks every fourth Wednesday of even months (June, August, October, December, February, April) in Lincoln at Lazlo’s Brewery & Grill, 210 North 7th Street, starting at 5:30pm. The informal, organic groups meet in 380 cities worldwide. The June date is Wednesday, June 25, 2008.
FORUM ON GLOBAL WARMING . . . On Thursday, June 26, 2008, 7:00pm at UN-O Milo Bail Student Center, Dodge Rooms A and B, OXFAM and Nebraskans for Peace are presenting a forum on Global Warming featuring Panelists Bruce E. Johansen, UN-O professor and author; environmental educator Maril Hazlett; Un-L professor and editorialist Paul Olson; and farmer, rancher, educator, Oxfam organizer Jim French. What the Peace and Justice community does to address the looming implications of global climate change will be discussed in panel from 7:00 to 8:00pm, followed by Q&A. We need not accept environmental and military doomsday. Contact Paul Olson, polson2 at unlnotes dot unl dot edu, to carpool from Lincoln or central Nebraska.
GREEN YOUR HOME . . . Friday, June 27, 2008, the authors of “The Carbon Free Home: 36 Remodeling Projects to Kick the Fossil Fuel Habit,” will be at the downtown Omaha Public Library, 215 South 15th Street, 4th Floor, noon to 1:30pm. Bring your lunch. Learn green tips and projects from Stephen Hren, a writer retrofitting his home in Durham, North Carolina, to be fossil fuel free.
GROWING UP GREEN: RAISING ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS KIDS . . .The Green Omaha Coalition’s Green Neighborhood Council presents a Saturday, June 28, 2008, morning of hands-on green activities for children and adults, 10:00am to noon, at the Omaha Children’s Museum, 500 South 20th Street, downtown Omaha. Learn about gardening and composting, make green toys, create green art, and listen to green stories at the free workshop, open to the public. Rsvp Julie: jwasser at tnc dot org.
SLOW FOOD NEBRASKA . . . The public is invited to attend a free “100-mile potluck” on Sunday, June 29, 2008, 4:00pm to 8:00pm at Holmes Lake, Shelter Number 1. Bring a dish made with ingredients that come from within 100 miles, table service and cups. Food sources included backyard gardens, farmers markets, food co-ops that carry local produce and local commercial growers.
NEBRASKANS UNITED DECLINE TO SIGN . . . Nebraska has been targeted by a California based “Civil Rights Initiative” that would deny equal opportunities in this state and change the Nebraskan constitution. Well-financed out-of-state political groups are paying petition circulators to gather signatures using misleading language with the intent of eliminating affirmative action and its principles of equity and fairness. Nebraskans United is taking a stand against this petition initiative. DECLINE TO SIGN this petition, and spread the word to others. Background information here. Just say no to local signature gatherers when “Civil Rights” means ending Affirmative Action. To set up training for volunteers, make a donation, report sites where signatures are being gathered, or add your group to a growing list of campaign supporters, call Danielle at 402-432-3394 or email D_Nantkes at
NEBRASKA GREEN PARTY CANDIDATES . . . Green Party candidates for 2008 in Partisan elections are Steven R. Larrick, U.S. Senate; and for Douglas County Board, District 1: Scott Hoffman; District 3: Derek Glaser; District 5: Susan Koneck. Laverne Thraen has filed for the Non-Partisan OPPD Board of Directors Metro District, and Doug Paterson is a write-in candidate for Public Service Commission District 2 in Omaha.