Green Notes Week of June 1, 2008

LARRICK EXCLUDED FROM FIRST DEBATE . . . Join Greens at Kimball Hall on the UN-L campus Thursday afternoon, June 5, 2008 in a solidarity protest of Nebraska Green Party candidate Steve Larrick’s exclusion from the American Legion sponsored Boys State leadership program candidate’s debate. Steve will be outside Kimball before the debate begins at 1:45pm. Phone 402.464.6338 to objection this exclusion of a legitimate US Senate candidate, and join the protest Thursday.

JOIN LARRICK ON BIKE RIDE FROM LINCOLN TO OMAHA . . . Continuing his bike tour across the state on Nebraska Trails to promote alternative energy and transportation, peace, and a more sustainable world, Steve Larrick will bike from Lincoln to Omaha on Friday, June 6, 2008. To join his ride, e-mail Steve at slarrick1 at msn dot com or phone 402.435.5612.

2008 Nebraska Green Party CONVENTION this Saturday . . . The 2008 Nebraska Convention will be Saturday, June 7, at the PS Collective, 6056 Maple Street, in the Benson community of Omaha, 9:30am to 3:00pm. National Steering Committee member Marc Sanson from the Illinois Green Party will keynote. Delegates to the National Convention, July 10-13, 2008 at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago, new NGP Executive Commitee members and Representatives will be elected. Click here for the convention agenda. E-mail negreenparty at gmail dot com to pre-register.

NEBRASKANS UNITED DECLINE TO SIGN . . . A deceptive California based “Nebraska Civil Rights Initiative” petition seeks to undercut Nebraska’s ability to develop a diverse workforce, and change the Nebraska Constitution. The measure will eliminate scholarships and diminish the University’s ability to attract a diverse student body and faculty. It threatens women-owned businesses, funding for women’s health and domestic violence programs, Nebraskans’ ability to create public policies aimed at fostering fairness, opportunity and inclusion. Nebraskans United is taking a stand against amending the Constitution. DECLINE TO SIGN this petition, and spread the word to others. Background information here  where you also can report the location of petitioners you see gathering signatures. To set up a training for volunteers in your area, make a donation, or add your group to a fast growing list of campaign supporters, call Danielle at 402-432-3394 or email D_Nantkes at

CITY RAIN GARDEN PROJECT ACCEPTING GRANT APPLICATIONS . . . Lincoln residents may apply for grants to cover 80% of the cost for installing rain gardens, depressed areas with native vegetation designed to filter pollutants from driveways, patios, roofs and lawns. Applications are due June 30, 2008, and are available here (keyword: rain garden). For more information call 402.441.7075.

TWO WASTECAP SEMINARS . . . “Understanding Universal Waste–Rules and Handling in Nebraska” will be presented in two public seminars Wednesday, June 4, 2008: In Columbus, 8:30-10:00am, at Nebraska Public Power District, 1414 15th Street, and in Norfolk, noon-1:30pm at the Elkhorn Valley Museum, 515 Queen City Blvd. Contact Carrie Hakenkamp, WasteCap Executive Director, 402.436.2384 or chakenkamp at wastecapne dot org, for details.

2008 WILLA CATHER SPRING CONFERENCE . . . “Cather and Her Contemporaries” is the theme the June 5-7, 2008 Cather Conference in Red Cloud, Nebraska. Events include a Cather Symposium Thursday June 5, Panel Discussions in the restored 1885 Red Cloud Opera House, tours of Cather-related sites, and a showing of “The Road is All,” an NET film of Cather’s biography, Saturday afternoon, June 7. Detailed schedule information here.  Pre-registration is requested. Call toll free: 866.731.7304.

NEBRASKA GREEN PARTY CANDIDATES . . . Green Party candidates for 2008 in Partisan elections are Steven R. Larrick, U.S. Senate; and for Douglas County Board, District 1: Scott Hoffman; District 3: Derek Glaser; District 5: Susan Koneck. Laverne N. Thraen, Jr. has filed for the Non-Partisan OPPD Board of Directors Metro District, and Doug Paterson is a write-in candidate for Public Service Commission District 2 in Omaha.