The national Green Party effort for Jill Stein has moved to Plan B in Nebraska. When it became clear we could not secure the 6,000 or more signatures, we shifted to ballot access for Jill “by nomination” as an Independent. It will not give us a Green Party ballot line, but it will allow Nebraskans to select Jill and vote *for* a people-powered campaign.
A signature-gathering team is coming together, and we could use your help. You can download and print the new petition yourself. Just be sure that the VOLUNTEER CIRCULATOR line is red when printed out, per the instructions. Collect signatures and help give Nebraskans a better option in November.
We have a budget if you’d like to get paid per signature for the number you collect, but that requires using a different “paid circulator” petition, which we can provide if you are interested. Petitions are still county-specific, meaning that all signatures on one form must be residents of the same county. To become a paid circulator, get petitions, and get started in collecting signatures, contact Jen at (309) 558-5806 right away.
The deadline for submitting signatures is Aug. 1. Don’t delay!
Thanks in advance for helping the candidacy of Dr. Jill Stein in Nebraska.