Take action on Net Neutrality

From Fight for the Future and Demand Progress:

Pai’s plan scraps the legal requirements underpinning Title II regulations and opens the door to internet slow lanes and monopolies over broadband networks.

That’s why today, we’re announcing a massive day of protests at Verizon storefronts across the country to hit Big Cable and Pai where it hurts.

Pai has said that he believes that Big Cable should regulate itself when it comes to the free and open internet. But even with net neutrality rules in place, companies such as Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast have broken the regulations over and over and over. In just two years, the FCC has received more than 40,000 net neutrality complaints from consumers.

If Title II protections are allowed to be overturned, we will go back to the days when Big Cable throttled websites based on what internet companies paid, blocked traffic to sites that competed with their own services, and redirected sites without user permission—all with impunity.

On December 7, we’re staging protests at Verizon locations around the country. Verizon—Pai’s former employer—will be at the peak of its holiday sales, and we’re going to disrupt its business just like it plans to disrupt net neutrality. We’re going to send a strong message to Congress: We will not rest until net neutrality is secured as the law of the land.

Thanks for standing with us.

Read more, contact Congress, and join the Battle for the Net.