Support public schools March 14 in Lincoln

From Center for People in Need:

On Tuesday, March 14, at noon, please join us for a rally to support public schools and draw attention to the threats posed by school privatization schemes and budget cuts. At 1:30, attend the hearing for LB 630, which would bring charter schools to Nebraska and threaten public school funding. Here’s how to get involved:

  • Attend the rally at noon on the West side of the Nebraska State Capitol (near the Abraham Lincoln statue).
  • Attend the 1:30 p.m. hearing on LB 630 in Capitol hearing room 1525, which would bring charter schools to Nebraska.
  • Testify in opposition to the bill, or consider submitting written testimony by email to the Education Committee. Ask that your opposition be read into the official record.
  • Contact your state senator, as well as members of the Education Committee, and let them know you support public schools and oppose school privatization and budget cuts.

Contact info and more about the Unicameral’s Education Committee.