Green Notes Week of August 12, 2012

JAPAN’S FIRST GREEN PARTY . . . “Anti-nuclear campaigners launch Japan’s first Green Party,” by Justin McCurry, for The Guardian, begins “Greens Japan promises voters to put environment first and abolish nuclear power plants.” Congratulations to Japan Greens!

MOVE TO AMEND/END CORPORATE PERSONHOOD . . . Move to Amend is gathering signatures on a petition to End Corporate Personhood by a Resolution to be presented to the Lincoln City Council, Monday, August 13, 2012. 2004 Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb is spearheading a Midwest Barnstorming Tour starting with Nebraska appearances in Lincoln and Omaha.  Saturday, August 11th, 7:00pm, David will speak in Omaha at the 1st Unitarian Church, 3114 Harney. Sunday he will speak in Lincoln, 7:00pm, at the Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street. David will will be joined by representatives from local groups at Monday’s regularly scheduled Lincoln City Council meeting, County-City Building, 555 South 10th Street, Room 111. Move to Amend supporters will speak at open mic, following the 3:00pm meeting.  Tuesday, David will be on the air live, 8:00 to 10:00am, at KZUM, 89.3fm, with Molly Pitcher on The Melting Pot.  Watch a 2:10 minute video of David Barnstorming MTA at To get involved with the local campaign, e-mail Carol Smith, smithcarol [dot] 49 [at] gmail [dot] com

GREEN PARTY PRESIDENTIAL UPDATE . . . For the latest information on ballot access, see Thirty states now have a ballot line for Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala. In Nebraska, we are collecting signatures for Jill’s ballot access with a non-partisan line on the November ballot. The petition deadline is September 1, 2012. To help with the effort to make a vote for Jill possible in Nebraska, please e-mail mjberry [at] inebraska [dot] com.  Another U.S. is Possible — Another Party is Necessary.

OBAMA IN COUNCIL BLUFFS MONDAY . . . President Barack Obama will visit Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Monday, August 13, 2012.  He will be in Bayliss Park, downtown Council Bluffs, with entry to the park allowed beginning at 9:15am. The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required for entrance. One ticket per person will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Starting Saturday, tickets are available at the Organizing for America Omaha office, 347 North 76th Street. To participate in a Keystone XL Pipeline resistance protest, contact Jane Kleeb, jane [at] boldnebraska [dot] org or call 402.705.3622.

FARMERS MARKETS . . . There are more than 90 local Farmers Markets in Nebraska this year. For a partial schedule of current Buy Fresh Buy Local Markets, click here.

Lincoln area: Congressional District 1

DAVID COBB/MOVE TO AMEND IN LINCOLN . . . Sunday, August 12, 2012, 7:00pm, David Cobb will speak at the Lincoln Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street. Monday, August 13th, David will be joined by representatives from local groups at the Lincoln City Council meeting, City County Building, 555 South 10th Street, Room 111. Move to Amend supporters will speak at open mic, following the 3:00pm meeting.  Tuesday, David will be on the air live, 8:00 to 10:00am, at KZUM, 89.3fm, with Molly Pitcher on The Melting Pot.  Watch a 2:10 minute video of David Barnstorming MTA at

VIGIL AGAINST THE DEATH PENALTY . . . Every Monday, noon to 1:00pm, Nebraskans for abolition of the death penalty meet in front of the governor’s mansion when weather is good, 1425 H Street, Lincoln. When weather is bad, the vigil is inside the capitol, near the Information Desk. The lunch-hour presence reminds the governor of a constituency that does not want state killings. Weekly vigils have taken place year-round since July, 1991. All abolitionists are welcome to participate for a few minutes, or the hour. For more information about NADP, click here.  “It’s barbaric. It’s outlawed in all but a few extremely repressive countries like Iran, China, and not many others. It’s shameful that it continues to be performed. It’s well established that mistakes are made–yet half of our states practice pre-meditated state-sponsored murder. It’s also known that it’s not effective. So why is it done? Revenge & retribution? That’s not what our justice system is supposed to be about. It’s not an effective deterrent.” –Jill Stein, GP Presidential Nominee.

TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET . . . Tuesdays, 4:30-7:30pm, there is a Farmers Market at St. Paul United Church of Christ, 13th & F Streets, in Lincoln.

WEDNESDAY FARMERS MARKETS . . . The Downtown Garden Market, M Street between 16th & Centennial, continues every Wednesday, 12:00 noon to 4:00pm. The University Place Community Market, 48th Street & Madison Avenue, is every Wednesday from 3:00 to 7:00pm.

LINCOLN PEACE VIGILS . . . Lincoln peace vigils continue at the Federal Building, 15th and O streets, every Wednesday from 5:00 to 6:00pm. Contact Mark at 402.499.6672 or e-mail mark [at] weddleton [dot] com for more information.

THRUSDAY FARMERS MARKET . . . Fallbrook Town Square Park, 570 Fallbrook Blvd., holds a Farmers Market every Thursday, 3:30 to 7:00pm.

LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGE . . . What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place? Archi+ETC and WasteCap Nebraska will host “An Introduction to The Living Building Challenge,” at Archi+ETC / Ayars & Ayars headquarters, 2436 North 48th Street, Lincoln, from 11:30am to 1:00pm on Friday, August 17, 2012. Of special interest to architects, engineers and builders, the presentation is open to individuals interested in green building concepts as well. Lunch will be served, and registration is required at The Living Building Challenge provides a framework for design, construction and the symbiotic relationship between people and all aspects of the built environment. It is a philosophy, advocacy tool and certification program comprised of seven performance areas: Site, Water, Energy, Health, Materials, Equity and Beauty. For more information, contact Julie Diegel, jdiegel [at] wastecapne [dot] org or 402.434.7376.

FRIDAY FARMERS MARKET . . . The Gateway Garden Market at Gateway, on the south side of the shopping center, is every Friday, 4:00 to 8:00pm.

KZUM OPEN HOUSE . . . Nebraska’s only Independent community radio station, KZUM, 89.3FM, invites EveryOne to a public Open House at new business offices and the new on-air studio, 3534 South 48th Street, Suite 6, Lincoln, Saturday, August 18, 2012, from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Take a tour, meet staff, board members and visit with programmers at the new space. “KZUM’s mission is to educate and build community through broadcast media, with diverse and independent voices that enrich the perspectives of our audiences.”

SATURDAY FARMERS MARKET . . . The Haymarket Farmers Market, on 8th Street in Lincoln’s Historic Haymarket District, is now open every Saturday, 8:00am to noon, through October 13, 2012. More than 100 vendors bring farm-fresh produce, flowers, baked goods and handmade items to the local gathering place that also features a “Performance Showcase” for Nebraska folk, jazz, blues, classical, and dance talent, plus educational demonstrations and informational booths. Buy Fresh. Shop Local.

TAKE ENERGY SURVEY . . . Lincoln’s first Community Conversation on energy will be Saturday, August 18, 2012, 9:00am to 1:30pm, at the County-City Building, 555 South 10th Street. Sign up to attend the Conversation by taking an online survey on sustainable energy at the City website.  For more information, phone Milo Mumgaard, Cleaner Greener Lincoln, at 402.441.7376.

SUNDAY FARMERS MARKET . . . The Old Cheney Road Farmers Market offers local produce, baked goods and natural meats every Sunday, 10:00am to 2:00pm, at 55th Street and Old Cheney Road.

OCCUPY LINCOLN . . . There is a calendar of Occupy Lincoln events here. The Facebook page is here.  The Twitter feed is @OccupyLincoln. For more information, e-mail occupylincoln [at] gmail [dot] com or phone 402.585.5865. Corporate Greed is Revolution’s Seed!

Omaha area: Congressional District 2

OBAMA IN COUNCIL BLUFFS . . . President Obama will visit Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Monday, August 13, 2012, at Bayliss Park, downtown, with entry to the park allowed beginning at 9:15am. Tickets are required for entrance. To participate in a Keystone XL Pipeline resistance protest, contact Jane Kleeb, jane [at] boldnebraska [dot] org or call 402.705.3622.

OMAHA PEACE VIGILS . . . Omaha peacemakers vigil every Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm, at StratCom/UN-O, 6801 Pine Street, east of the Scott Technology Center on the UN-O campus. Free parking is available at the NE Corner of 67th Street and Pine in a student lot. For more information, phone Jerry Ebner, 402.502.5887. Every Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm, there is a Peace Vigil at 72nd and Dodge Streets. Park next to 72nd Street, in the pet store parking lot. Contact Steve Horn at 402.426.9068 for more information about Saturday vigils.

FORTENBERRY/TERRY FORUM . . . Nebraska Representatives Fortenberry and Terry are hosting a forum, “America’s Role in Global Nuclear Security,” at 1:30pm, Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012, at the Salvation Army Kroc Center, 2825 Y Street, in Omaha. The Keynote Speaker will be General C. Robert Kehler, Commander of the U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt AFB, on “America’s Nuclear Posture within the Broader National Security Framework.” Dr. David Kay, former United Nations Chief Weapons Inspector will speak on “Challenges of Detecting Nuclear Transgressions.” Perhaps Fortenberry and Terry can explain why Senate Republicans tried to block a nuclear non-proliferation treaty at the end of the last session. Fortenberry’s Lincoln office number is 402.438.1598. Terry’s Omaha office number is 402.397.9944.

OMAHA PEOPLE’S FILM FESTIVAL . . . There is a People’s Film Festival every Wednesday evening, 7:00pm, at McFoster’s Natural Kind Cafe, 38th and Harney in Omaha. Wednesday, August 15, 2012, the film will be “Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills,” a documentary about “a horrific triple child murder that leads to an indictment and trial of three nonconformist boys based on questionable evidence.” For more information, go to The People’s Film Festival – Expanding Political Consciousness Since 2004.

OMAHA FARMERS MARKETS . . . Click here for an Omaha Market schedule.

ENGAGE OMAHA . . . One of the nation’s first city-wide, virtual town hall websites, EngageOmaha, is now online. Omaha residents may weigh in on issues for the city to consider. Pick a topic, and join the mix at

Greater Nebraska: Congressional District 3

KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE UPDATE . . . Monday, August 13, 2012, President Obama will be in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Nebraska KXL resistance groups will carry a 4×8′ banner that says “Water is Life. Tarsands Oil Isn’t. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline.”
“Keystone XL pipeline may threaten aquifer that irrigates much of the central U.S.,” by Steven Mufson at the Washington Post, August 6, 2012, starts out with this: “Jane Kleeb is a savvy activist who, Nebraska’s Republican governor once said, “has a tendency to shoot her mouth off most days.” A Florida native who moved to Nebraska in 2007 after marrying a rancher active in Democratic politics, she did as much as anyone to bring the massive Keystone XL crude oil pipeline to a halt last year.” The 4 page article continues, with photo blog, at
“Enbridge pipeline’s path: Lansing-area homeowners feel powerless,” by Louise Knott Ahern, Lansing State Journal, August 6, 2012, details the latest Company plans for a massive construction project to replace 75 miles of Line 6B — the now-notorious 45-year-old pipeline that ruptured and dumped 20,000 barrels of crude oil into the Kalamazoo River. Property owners were told Enbridge would never have to go back into their woods. Now they find out “The current 30-inch pipe will not be removed but simply deactivated. Some portions of the new pipe will be larger — 36 inches — allowing Enbridge to transport more oil. …Enbridge crews essentially will have to take over homeowners’ properties until the project is finished. In Weldon’s case, she’s going to lose several century-old trees to make room for the workers. “I’ve lived here for 40 years, and some of those trees are at least 100 years old,” Weldon said. “And now they’re going to take a bunch of my trees, and I don’t want them to.” Read page 1 of 3 at
“Enbridge Hires Armed Gaurds,” from the Livingston Daily, August 5th, begins “Armed guards hired by Enbridge Energy LP stood in clear view of Kieth Huff’s home just in case the Oceola Township man decided to interfere with the early stages of a 50-mile oil pipeline replacement project.” Page 1 of 3 continued at|topnews|text|Frontpage
“Scientific conundrum,” by Thomas P. Lynch, is a Lincoln Journal Star letter to the editor of August 12th. “…The gist is, you can’t celebrate the scientific triumph of the Mars rover landing and also believe that climate change is a hoax. Even, I think, if you’re a Republican. And there’s a local connection. In an essay he wrote last summer (“Silence is deadly”), NASA scientist Hansen spoke out against the Keystone XL pipeline. He argued that the construction of the pipeline “would make it implausible to stabilize climate and avoid disastrous global climate impacts. If Nebraskans don’t like extreme heat and drought, we can’t support the Keystone XL pipeline. Keystone XL means more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which means more heat waves and droughts. And you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.” Read the entire letter at
“The Summer of Solidarity: Direct Action Against Extraction,” by Candice Bernd, Campus Progress, Truthout, August 8th: “If one thing is sure, this summer won’t be remembered as one where young environmentalists twiddled their thumbs while wild fires broke out across Colorado and record temperatures were set across the nation. Instead, this summer will go down as one of the hottest, not only in terms of temperature, but also in terms of resistance.” Read, and view 2:45 minute video from the Texas Tar Sands Blockade, at
“Blockade Aims to Stop Southern Keystone XL Pipeline,” by Christine Leclerc,, RSN, August 11, 2012:”With a nonviolent direct action camp that started July 27, 2012 in East Texas, grassroots opponents are working on a construction project of their own: Tar Sands Blockade, a coalition of landowners, community members, students, and others dedicated to stopping the pipeline through direct action.” Read at
“Pipeline Tests Land Rights,” by Ana Campoy, Wall Street Journal, August 10, 2012: TransCanada’s pipeline efforts are sparking a fight over land-rights laws. A Texas case could prove a legal test. “A big Canadian pipeline company and a small Texas corn farmer squared off in a county courthouse here on Friday over a pasture near the Oklahoma border that could become part of a massive project to transport oil from Alberta to refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast. TransCanada Corp., the Calgary-based company behind the […] Continued for subscribers at
Jane Kleeb reported from the Texas hearing on Julia Trigg Crawford’s eminent domain case. Eight press members were there on Friday, from NPR, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, local and state papers. The judge did not rule, but he could do so as early as next Wednesday.
Here is last week’s Green Note on the Crawford case:, is spreading the word about the case of Julia Trigg Crawford, a Texas farmer who joined non-violent protests in front of the White House led by Bill McKibben and the Tar Sands Coalition to stop government approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. Along with 1,252 other people, Julia was arrested. …In 2008, TransCanada told the Crawford family it was going to build the Keystone XL pipeline through their land. Now they are taking TransCanada to court. This legal battle could postpone or even halt the entire Keystone XL project, but there is only one more week to raise the money she needs to defend herself in pre-trial. Julia’s legal team is people-powered by regular citizens from around the world who are willing to help a stranger. The lawyers believe she has a strong case. She and her family are committed to fighting TransCanada to the end. Success in the Texas courts could substantially delay the beginning of construction, creating time for new carbon fuels standards, removal of tax incentives, and/or new laws emanating from the PHMSA tar sands pipeline study to impact the project. Stand with Julia in her fight against Big Oil by donating to her legal fund at Learn more about the case at the Crawford Family Defense Fund website.
Also from last week, “Newly obtained government documents suggest lawsuit to protect endangered species could delay Keystone XL pipeline construction,” a July 31st press release from Friends of the Earth, begins “In a victory for the climate, public health and endangered species, the Fish and Wildlife Service has taken action that could interfere with Canadian oil corporation TransCanada’s plan for fast-tracked approval of its Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline. According to documents obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity, the agency decided July 10 to disallow a University of Nebraska researcher from using his research permit to help TransCanada clear the way for Keystone XL by physically relocating the American burying beetle from its habitat.” Bottom line: a US Fish and Wildlife policy has been changed so researchers now and in the future cannot trap and remove beetles until a project has all of their federal and state permits issued to construct. For TransCanada, this means if a permit to build was granted in early 2013, they could then trap and remove the beetles in May-Sept 2013 (beetle season) and then start construction, versus trapping them now and starting to build immediately after a permit was granted. In the bigger picture, this means TransCanada cannot start preparing land until they have ALL their permits.
South Dakota anti-pipeline movement now in 13 countries” by Emma Dejong, The Dickinson Press, August 2nd, begins “On Wednesday, several hundred people from 13 nations began a “Fast for the Earth.” The fast is largely in response to TransCanada’s Keystone Pipeline, which transports crude oil from the tar sands in Canada to the United States. Those fasting are opposed to any further extension of the pipeline, including the proposed XL extension.”
Reporting for InsideClimate News, July 30th, Stacy Feldman and Kathryn Doyle begin “First Nations Hold the Cards in Northern Gateway Battle with Enbridge,” “When the National Transportation Safety Board released a scathing report this month faulting Enbridge for its Michigan oil spill, speculation began instantly about whether it would harm the company’s chances for its Northern Gateway pipeline to the Pacific Coast of British Columbia. Even without the report, however, the project’s prospects have long been slim at best. That’s because most First Nations in B.C.—where more than half the pipeline would pass—never signed treaties ceding their lands to the Canadian government. Despite offers from Enbridge that would give them a 10 percent equity stake worth millions of dollars and other cash benefits, many still refuse to give the needed right of way, setting up a legal clash that could end up at the Supreme Court. A single holdout could delay the pipeline for many years, if not indefinitely—even if the project wins approval from Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government.” Page 1 of 4 continues at
Tell the Obama Administration: Reject Keystone XL. Again. The following message accompanies a new petition from Credo Action: In the same week that record June heat blanketed the southeast, Minnesota tried to recover from record flooding, and the biggest fire in Colorado’s history continued to burn out of control — President Obama doubled down in his support for the energy that is causing this deepening climate change spiral approving the first portion of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, giving away 720 million tons of publicly owned coal to a coal company for virtually nothing, and promising to lease more arctic offshore areas for oil drilling. Now, the Canada to Oklahoma portion of the Keystone XL pipeline – which would turn up the spigot on deadly, “game over for the climate” tar sands production – is back before the State Department after being rejected by President Obama earlier this year when Republicans tried to force his decision.
Without the pressures of the election, President Obama could conceivably cave when a decision is made in 2013 – if he is re-elected. This public comment period is our opportunity to go on the record, before the election, with our fierce opposition. Please urge President Obama to reject the Keystone XL Pipeline.  (Note: Credo Action petitions do generate e-mail from other petitions.)
Sign a Natural Resources Defense Council Action Alert telling Congress to reject all attempts to force approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline by attaching it to any unrelated legislation. The Keystone XL will deliver billions in profits to Big Oil while the people get stuck with poisoned water, contaminated land and an overheated planet.
           “The Keystone pipeline will spew a massive amount of carbon pollution into our fragile atmosphere. It should be stopped. ” –Jill Stein, 2012 Green Party Presidential Nominee.

STOP FRACKING NOW . . . At the First-Ever National Mobilization Against Fracking on July 28th, celebrities, community groups, and more than 100 organizations will join forces for “Stop the Frack Attack” in Washington, DC, where they will make three demands of Congress: 1. Stop dangerous fracking; 2. Close 7 legal loopholes that exempt the oil and gas industry from parts of the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Air, and Clean Water Acts; and 3. Implement a pathway towards 100% clean renewable energy. Learn more about the event here.  Petition Congress: “We, the undersigned, call on Congress to pass the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act this year. It’s time to hold the oil and gas production industry to the same standards as any other industry to ensure the safe protection of America’s drinking water.”

PETITION THE EPA . . . Tell the Environmental Protection Agency to immediately prohibit the use of clothianidin and conduct a full scientific review to determine its impact on honey bee populations.  Learn more about clothianidin and sign the petition here.

BUY FRESH. BUY LOCAL . . . . Farmers, gardeners, and craftspeople meet through The Nebraska Food Cooperative, an on-line, year-round farmers’ market and local food distribution service offering the best in local freshness. For ordering and pickup schedules, refer to the calendar here.  Click here for products and prices from North Star Neighbors, a Cooperative member that doesn’t therapeutically medicate or unduly confine animals. Click here for Tomato Tomäto, Omaha’s year-round indoor Farmer’s Market at 156th & West Center. Shop for fresh foods grown in or very near your own community at Open Harvest, Lincoln’s member-owned natural foods retail cooperative at 1618 South Street. Buying local grows family farming, grows the local economy, and is thousands of miles fresher.

HELP NEBRASKA GREENS WITH GOODSEARCH . . . Each time you search the Internet (or shop online at a participating store), a donation can be made to Nebraska Green Party at no cost to you! To help NGP in this way, enter Nebraska Green Party where it asks you to name your cause here.  Bookmark the GoodSearch Homepage, or make it your own Home Page. Enter the url you want in the GoodSearch search box. Each time you do, one penny will be donated to Nebraska Greens. THANK YOU for your support!

Remember, every man-made by-product of the petroleum industry could be replaced by hemp. “Help Save the Earth, Time to Substitute Hemp for oil.