Green Notes Week of August 30, 2009

FOOD, INC. . . . The documentary Food, Inc., about what we eat, how it’s produced, who we have become as a nation, and where we are going from here, continues at The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center,  313 North 13th Street, Lincoln, through Thursday, September 3, 2009. It features interviews with Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma), and forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farm’s Gary Hirshberg and Polyface Farms’ Joel Salatin. Watch the trailer here.  The short film Alternative Ways to Grow Your Food will show before screenings of FOOD, INC. Click here for a schedule of showtimes.

NEBRASKA STATE FAIR . . . There will be a number of green activities and booths at the Nebraska State Fair this final year in Lincoln: solar panels and a vertical axis wind turbine will be on display outside of Devaney; and Nebraska Renewable Energy Systems will have a battery charging wind turbine/solar system, hydrogen demo system, cellulose alcohol fermentation and biodiesel powered vehicles in the Marketplace. An alcohol injection system will be installed on a biodiesel/hydrogen Jeep Liberty August 31st. The Fair runs daily through Sunday, September 6, 10:00am to 7:00pm at State Fair Park in Lincoln.

MISSOURI RIVER RESTORATION . . . There will be an opportunity to provide input on ecosystem re-visioning of the Missouri River Monday, August 31, 2009, 3:00 to 5:00pm, and 6:00 to 8:00pm, at the UN-O Thompson Center Bootstrapper Hall. For more information click here.  Click here for draft documents in the Environmental Empact Study. Click here for information about public meetings throughout the Missouri River basis. Click here to provide input online.  Contact Dave Crane at 402.995.2676 with any questions.

VIGIL FOR HEALTH CARE REFORM . . . Greens and advocates of Universal Health Care will gather on Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 6:00pm, at Woods Park, 33rd & O Streets in Lincoln. Organized by MoveOn and Democracy for America in support of the “public option,” not Medicare for All, this event is one of many being planned nationwide. A Green presence supporting *real* reform is needed at every opportunity in light of misleading messages and confusing language on this issue. Wear a Nebraska Green Party t-shirt in solidarity with the most sensible health care reform, Medicare for All.

LINCOLN PEACE VIGIL . . . Before the Health Care Reform rally, join Lincoln peace activists at the Federal Building, 15th and O streets, Wednesday,September 2, 2009, from 5:00 to 6:00pm. Contact Mark at 402-499-6672 or e-mail mark [at] weddleton [dot] com for more information.

LEARN ABOUT ELECTRIC VEHICLES . . . EV World Editor Bill Moore will Speak at UN-O on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 in the MBSC Chancellor’s Room between 11:30am and 2:00pm. Sponsored by the Environmental Club of UN-O, Moore, one of the world’s leading experts on the subject, will discuss electric vehicles, past, present and future.

GRAND ISLAND PEACE GATHERING . . . Wednesday, September 2, 2009, Central Nebraska Peace Workers will meet at the corner of State Street and Webb Road in Grand Island, 5:30pm, for the tri-city area’s monthly Peace Vigil. Bring a sign if you wish. There are always extras. Monthly peace gatherings have continued for the last five years with a focus on peace and social justice.

OMAHA PEACE VIGILS . . . Omaha peacemakers vigil every Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm, at StratCom/UN-O, 6801 Pine Street, east of the Scott Technology Center on the UN-O campus. Free parking is available at the NE Corner of 67th Street and Pine in a student lot. For more information, phone Jerry Ebner, 402.502.5887. Every Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm, there is an Anti-War and Peace Vigil at 72nd and Dodge Streets. Contact Steve Horn at 402.426.9068.

OMAHA PEOPLE’S FILM FESTIVAL . . . There is a People’s Film Festival every Wednesday evening, 7:00pm, at McFoster’s Natural Kind Cafe, 38th and Harney in Omaha. The event is always free and open to the public. This week’s film is Das Experiment.  Food and drink is available. A lively discussion follows each showing. For more information, click here.  The People’s Film Festival – Expanding Political Consciousness Since 2004.

FULL MOON NIGHT HIKE . . . Thursday September 3rd or Friday September 4th, 2009, depending upon cloud cover, there will be an exploratory walk on the old horse trails south of Bellevue Marina in Haworth Park.  The walk along Keystone Trail will last two or three hours. For more details, or to rsvp, contact Bob Goetschkes, bobbygoetschkes [at] hotmail [dot] com or 402.614.4788.


CLEAN ENERGY RALLY . . .  Click here for details about a Clean Energy Rally Saturday, September 5, 2009, 2:00 to 4:00pm outside Embassy Suites, 1040 P Street, Lincoln.


BUY FRESH. BUY LOCAL . . . . Join the local food revolution by shopping farmer’s markets and eating fresh foods grown in or very near your own community. Eating locally grows family farming, grows the local economy, and is thousands of miles fresher. Click here for Nebraska Buy Fresh. Buy Local. information. Lincoln’s current Markets are as follows:

Old Cheney Farmers Market, 55th Street and Old Cheney Road, 10:00am to 2:00pm, Sundays through November 1.
Historic Haymarket Farmers Market, North Seventh between P and Q streets, 8:00am to noon, Saturdays through October 10. During peak season, mid-June through mid-August, there are about 215 vendors.
Havelock Farmers Market, north parking lot behind businesses between 62nd and 63rd streets and Havelock Avenue, 3:00 to 6:30pm, Wednesdays through October 28.
Piedmont Farmers Market, 1265 South Cotner Blvd., parking lot of Piedmont Shopping Center, 8:00am to noon, Saturdays through September/October.
St. Paul United Church of Christ Farmers Market, 1144 M Streets, 4:30 to 7:30pm, Tuesdays through September 8.
Community CROPS Farmers Market, Pentzer Park, North 27th & Potter Streets, 4:30 to 7:30pm, Thursdays, June through September. Click here for a map of local Community CROPS gardens.
Centennial Mall Garden Market, 14th & M Streets, noon to 4:00pm, Wednesdays, July 1 through September 30.

We are no longer the alternative; we are the imperative. –Rosa Clemente