Green Notes Week of May 4, 2008

NEBRASKA GREEN PARTY CANDIDATES . . . Green Party candidates filing with the Secretary of State for 2008 elections in Partisan elections are Steven R. Larrick, U.S. Senate; and for Douglas County Board, District 1: Scott Hoffman; District 3: Tom Foster, and Derek Glaser; District 5: Susan Koneck. Laverne N. Thraen, Jr. has filed for the Non-Partisan OPPD Board of Directors Metro District, and Doug Paterson is a write-in candidate for Public Service Commission District 2 in the City of Omaha.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR CONVENTION . . . The Nebraska Green Party Convention will be Saturday, June 7, 2008 at the PS Collective, 6056 Maple Street, in the Benson community of Omaha, 9:30am to 4:00pm. National Green Party Steering Committee member Marc Sanson from Illinois will keynote. Delegates to the National Convention, July 10-13, 2008 at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago, and new NGP Executive Commitee members will be elected at the Omaha Convention. Registration form here.  E-mail negreenparty at gmail dot com to register.

TOWNHALL MEETINGS OFFER OPPORTUNITY . . . Mayor Chris Beutler will hold one more public meeting for citizens of Lincoln to discuss local government priorities on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at Lincoln High School, 2229 J Street, 6:00 to 8:00pm. The townhall meeting will begin with social time at 5:30pm.

AMNESTY INTERATIONAL LETTER-WRITING GROUP . . . Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 7:00-9:00pm, Greens, activists and progressives meet at Jones Coffee, 727 South 11th Street in Lincoln, to learn about human rights violations around the world and what is being done to address them. Take personal action by writing letters and have a fair trade coffee with the group. For more infomation, call Matt Gregory, 402.570.7840 or e-mail plylas at hotmail dot com.

CELEBRATING ASIAN HERITAGE . . . Thursday, May 8, 2008, 7:00pm, the Asian Community and Cultural Center will present its annual Celebration Event at the UN-L Nebraska Union Ballroom, 1400 R Street, Lincoln. Exhibits, a cultural walk, fashion showcase and food auction will be featured. Tickets available here.

WELL KNOWN BIRD AUTHORITY TO LEAD BIRD WALK . . . Friends of Wilderness Park are sponsoring a bird identification walk in Wilderness Park on Saturday, May 10th, starting at 8:00am. The bird walk leaders will be Larry Einemann, a birder for nearly forty six years, and CD 1 Green Party member John Carlini. Einemann’s Lancaster County bird list stands at 304 different bird species. Meet in the Wilderness Park Parking Lot on the west side of South 14th Street between Yankee Hill Road and Rokeby Road. After the walk, there will be a potluck brunch in the 14th Street Parking Lot picnic area at 10am. All are invited to participate.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WOMEN BUILD . . . In celebration of National Women Build Week, Saturday, May 10, 2008 is an all-women work day beginning at 9:00am. Women will be framing or painting the exterior of a home at 5640 Kearney Avenue in Lincoln. Lunch will be served on the site. National Women Build Week celebrates the compassion, dedication, talents and abilities of women from all walks of life. Contact DiAnna Schimek, dschimek at earthlink dot net to participate.

PRIMARY EARLY VOTING NOW . . . Registered voters may vote in the primary election at the Lancaster County Election Commissioner’s office, 601 North 46 Street, Lincoln, Monday through Friday between now and May 13, 2008.

PRIMARY ELECTION . . . Vote Tuesday, May 13, 2008. Sample Lancaster County Ballot here.  (link will open as a pdf file). Omaha voters: If you write-in Doug Paterson for Public Service Commission District 2, please remember his name is spelled with one “t.”