Green Notes for the week of December 31, 2007


Join Greens and Peace activists for a New Year’s Vigil, Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 5-6:00 pm at Woods Park, 33rd and O Streets in Lincoln. Carol Finn, whose son is serving in Iraq, Rev. Rebecca Brown, pastor of East Lincoln Christian Church, Megan Jackson of the Coalition for Peace, and Paul Olson of Nebraskans for Peace will share their hopes for peace in the world. Hot drinks will be provided by Crescent Moon Coffee House.


Tuesday, January 8, 7:00pm, Walt Canney Service Center, 2620 Fairfield, Lincoln Electric System public hearing on the proposed 5.5% rate hike. And, LES customers may still advance the Green Agenda by filling out a survey of preferences for a proposed $1M Sustainable Energy Program. Under “other suggestions,” consider adding a moratorium on building coal-fired plants. Click the following links for the On-line survey. Mail-in survey. Background paper. News release.

LEGISLATIVE SESSION BEGINS Wednesday, January 9, 2008.

GREENS ADVOCATE Death Penalty Abolition in 2008 . . .

In North Platte: Saturday January 5, 9:00am to noon, North Platte Holiday Inn Express — A Town Hall meeting organized by state Senator Tom Hansen.
In Hastings: Sunday, January 6, 9:45am, First Presbyterian Church adult education discussion led by Dick Hargesheimer.
In Lincoln: Monday, January 7, 10am Nebraska State Capitol, New Voices from Mainstream Nebraska. State senators and media will hear Mimi Kelle, a murder victim family member and Lincoln Police Captain James Davidsaver call for abolition. The event will conclude by 11am. Friends of Abolition and Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty are invited to attend and show support for repeal in 2008.
In Lincoln: Tuesday, January 15, 7:00pm, Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street, Death Penalty Forum presented by the League of Women Voters of Lincoln-Lancaster County. J. Kirk Brown, Nebraska Solicitor General advocating retention V. Alan Peterson, Lincoln Attorney, advocating abolition. Q&A will follow.

DARFUR NOW, a documentary of hope in the midst of one of humanity’s darkest hours–a call to action for people everywhere to end the catastrophe unfolding in Darfur, Sudan–opens at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center Friday, January 4. It runs through Thursday, January 17. Show times are available at

Wachiska Audubon to Focus on Sandhill Cranes. Greens are invited to hear Nebraska photographer Brad Mellema discuss conservation on the Platte River with focus on sandhill cranes, Thursday, January 10, 7:00pm at the Dick Administration Building, Union College. For more information call 486.4846.


“…we must work diplomatically to end all wars and threats of war. Only then, can we redirect our nation’s energies toward meeting the environmental challenges of global warming and degradation. Only then can we become the peacemakers and environmental stewards upon which future generations are depending.”

© Nebraska Green Party