Tag Archives: Personal and Global Responsibility

Film screenings in Omaha and Lincoln Oct. 7 and 8: Overcoming addiction on Pine Ridge

From Nebraskans for Peace:

Don’t miss these two screenings of Sober Indian | Dangerous Indian, a documentary about brave men and women on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation who have found empowerment through sobriety and those still struggling to overcome their alcohol addiction:

  • Wednesday, October 7, at the University of Nebraska Omaha
  • Thursday, October 8, at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln

Get more details on the film’s Facebook page.

Or check out the film’s website.

Peacemaker of the Year potluck Sept. 24 in Lincoln

From Alternatives to the Military:

Save the Date: The 2015 ATM Peacemaker of the Year is Tim Rinne of Nebraskans for Peace. Tim is the creator of Lincoln’s community garden project, Hawley Hamlet. The Annual potluck dinner will be Thursday, September 24, at 5:30 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church, 45th & A streets in Lincoln. Bring a dish to share and handouts if you want to distribute information about your current organizational involvements. And bring a friend! The food is always great.

Get together for Pope’s address to Congress on climate action Sept. 24

From BOLD Nebraska:

Join Nebraska Interfaith Power & Light, Bold Nebraska, Green Omaha Coalition, Citizens Climate Lobby, Nebraska Sierra Club, Nebraska Wildlife Federation, Protectors of the Ogallala, Nebraskans for Solar, and Nebraska 350 at Aksarben Cinema in Omaha for a group viewing of Pope Francis’s address to members of Congress on Thursday, September, 24. The Pope will speak to Congress in the morning, but we will show the Pope’s full speech that evening in the theater, followed by a group discussion with local members of the faith, science and environmental communities. Pope Francis’s address to Congress comes after the release of his papal encyclical “Ladauto si,” which calls for bold action to address climate change and poverty in our world.

  • Thursday, September 24, 2015 – 7 to 9 p.m.
  • Aksarben Cinema, 2110 S 67th St, Omaha, NE 68106

Register for free here.

Nebraskans for Peace reflect on atomic bombings anniversary

From the Lincoln Journal Star:

For the sixth and final time, Noboko Tsukui joined in the lighting of the Lincoln lantern float.

“This has become something to live for,” she said as a crowd of 70 people gathered on the northeast shore of Holmes Lake Saturday evening.

It was the 32nd annual lantern float Nebraskans for Peace has held since a group of American peace workers, including one from Nebraskans for Peace, traveled to Japan in 1981 to discuss with the Japanese the dangers of the nuclear arms race.

From that assembly, the idea of the lantern float ceremony was carried across the globe to remember those who died in the U.S. atomic bombings of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. In traditional Japanese culture, lanterns are lit to guide the souls of the dead to rest.

Read the full story.

Happy Earth Day!

From the Green Party of the United States:

Today is Earth Day! Every day this month we have posted an ecological issue we care about to our followers on social media. We want you to spread the word to your social media connections that the Green Party is working year-round to elect candidates and promote a party that will take action on issues like the climate crisis, fracking, oil and gas mining, and more!

We brought you 22 different ecological issues as we counted down to Earth Day, including some that we may not think about every day (like the ecological impact of landmines, the importance of our underfunded national parks, and bees), but we know the list doesn’t end there. No matter what issues are affecting your community, your place is in the Green Party, working to build city councils, state legislatures, and a Congress that understands the connections between our human communities and natural communities.

Thank you for your work in your community, and for your support of the Green Party on Earth Day. Use the hashtag #GPEarthDay to spread the word! Search #GPEarthDay on Facebook and Twitter to follow our outreach. Share our tweets, Facebook messages and graphics! Happy Earth Day!

Steve Larrick: My motivation for seeking leave

From Steve Larrick, board member for the Lower Platte South Natural Resource District, writing in the Lincoln Journal Star:

The Lincoln Journal Star editorial titled “Larrick Should Step Down” (2/23) makes some good points, but is also disappointing. Its theme is doing the “honorable” thing, but the editors never contacted me for my perspective before questioning my honor in a story line replicated by newspapers across the state. Is that honorable journalism?

Thankfully, it notes that “in the grand scheme of things,” a large board of 21 members (and an excellent staff, I might add), assures that the Lower Platte South Natural Resource District is not endangered by a few temporary absences. But by not asking me questions, the editors fail to identify my motivations for seeking a leave and simply suggest that my only “honorable choice” was to abandon the seat to which I was elected.

Read the full op-ed at JournalStar.com.


Next Omaha Green Drinks Jan. 28

Here’s everything you need to know about the next world-famous Green Drinks get-together in Omaha:

  • WHEN: 5:30 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, January 28, 2015
  • RULE: Fourth Wednesday of every odd month (Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sep., and Nov.)
  • WHERE: Whole Foods Market Omaha, 10020 Regency Circle; education room by restaurant seating, across from coffee bar.
  • HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, carpool 🙂
  • WHO: Anyone working on environmental issues (green business, architecture, design, clean energy, natural resources, and more) or studying them.
  • WHY: Fun, contacts, alcohol (and non-alcohol), info, gossip, inspiration, business, and pleasure.
  • NEW: Just go up to someone and say “are you green?” and you’ll be made welcome.
  • REMIND: We have a send-only email circulation list for both Omaha & Lincoln; to get on it, send an email to p2ricinfo@gmail.com with subject “subscribe”
  • PRIVACY: This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders.
  • STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network. Continued growth and learning at every meeting. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge with others.
  • Check out the Green Drinks Facebook page.
  • Join this Facebook event.

Nebraska’s Lonely Progressives

From The New York Times:

When I travel to the East or West Coasts, people sometimes ask me, “Why do you live in Nebraska?” Or even, “Have you considered moving?” Outsiders often believe Nebraska is a nondescript state with little to recommend it in culture, politics or landscape. But I reply that Nebraska is my home and that I love its people and its geography. To me there is nothing more beautiful than the muddy Platte River or the vast undulating Sand Hills. Of course, our state can be blistering in the summer, arctic in the winter. It’s a windswept, spare place designed to toughen up its inhabitants.

I also explain that Nebraska needs progressives.

Read the full story.

Visualizing carbon in the atmosphere

From NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center:

An ultra-high-resolution NASA computer model has given scientists a stunning new look at how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere travels around the globe. Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse gas away from its sources. The simulation also illustrates differences in carbon dioxide levels in the northern and southern hemispheres and distinct swings in global carbon dioxide concentrations as the growth cycle of plants and trees changes with the seasons.

Read more about NASA’s efforts to measure and map carbon in the atmosphere.