Steve Larrick: My motivation for seeking leave

From Steve Larrick, board member for the Lower Platte South Natural Resource District, writing in the Lincoln Journal Star:

The Lincoln Journal Star editorial titled “Larrick Should Step Down” (2/23) makes some good points, but is also disappointing. Its theme is doing the “honorable” thing, but the editors never contacted me for my perspective before questioning my honor in a story line replicated by newspapers across the state. Is that honorable journalism?

Thankfully, it notes that “in the grand scheme of things,” a large board of 21 members (and an excellent staff, I might add), assures that the Lower Platte South Natural Resource District is not endangered by a few temporary absences. But by not asking me questions, the editors fail to identify my motivations for seeking a leave and simply suggest that my only “honorable choice” was to abandon the seat to which I was elected.

Read the full op-ed at


Hear Leonard Pitts Jr. at workshop in Lincoln, April 12

From the Interfaith Peacemaking Coalition:

SAVE THE DATE: Leonard Pitts will keynote this year’s Interfaith Peacemaking Workshop, First United Methodist Church, 2723 N. 50th St., Lincoln, NE, 1:00 to 5:30 p.m., on April 12th.

Leonard Pitts will speak for about 45 minutes, followed by time to view exhibits. There then will be five break-out sessions:

  • 1.1: Implicit Bias; Anna Shavers, UNL Law College.
  • 1.2: Unconscious Bias; Karen Starkweather, Center for Rural Affairs.
  • 2: Three Barriers to Re-entry from Prison to Civilian Life; Larry Wayne, Corrections Dept.; Katrina Thomas, reentrant; and Jim Jones, Oasis.
  • 3. Youth Organizing for Social Change; Vernee Norman, Union College; Keiana Thomas, UNL.
  • 4. Poverty and Organizing for Inclusive Community: Economic Justice; State Sen. Patti Pansing Brooks; Beatty Brasch, Center for People in Need.
  • 5. Racial Profiling in Nebraska; Rebessa Conzales, Appleseed Center; Bennie Shobe, NAACP; Amy Miller, ACLU.

Check out the Facebook event page.

Join NADP’s Lobby Day, March 4

From Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty:

Join NADP’s Lobby Day, March 4th, 2015, at the State Capitol. Rally and lobby training begin at 10 a.m. Join a luncheon with senators at 11:45. The Judiciary Committee hearing begins at 1:30 p.m. (Remember, no T-shirts with writing in the Capitol; NADP will distribute repeal buttons.) Come and show your support for the cause. This could be the year!

Read more and RSVP.

Next Holland Speaker: Angela Davis on Prison Reform, March 4

From the First Unitarian Church of Omaha:

The next Holland Lecture will be on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Speaker Angela Davis will deliver her talk, “Prison Reform: Real or Imagined.”

Angela Davis, is a writer, activist and scholar and comes to Omaha to share her unique perspectives on prison reform, a topic front and center in current state as well as national debates. She envisions a future without prisons and advocates for dissolving what she coined the “prison industrial complex.” Ms. Davis grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, giving her a front row seat to the Civil Rights Movement. In the 1960s, her social activism, involvement in the Communist Party and “alleged” association with the Soledad Brothers attempted courtroom escape made her a controversial figure. The latter led to an intense police search that ended with her arrest, trial and eventual acquittal of the charges. Ms. Davis has written nine books and is Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness and the Feminist Studies departments at the University of California Santa Cruz.

Read more on the Holland Lecture Series from the First Unitarian Church of Omaha.

Landowners in KXL Path Win Injunction

From BOLD Nebraska:

On Feb. 12, landowners won a huge victory when a Holt County, Nebraska, District Court judge halted TransCanada’s attempt to use eminent domain to take their land for the Keystone XL export pipeline. Many thanks go out to landowners’ attorneys Dave Domina and Brian Jorde for their excellent work fighting against eminent domain for private gain.

What the ruling means: All of the eminent domain claims that TransCanada has filed against landowners over the past month are now put on hold, until this case is eventually heard by the Nebraska Supreme Court — in a timeline that could take another 12 months, or longer.

Read the full story.

Jill Stein Takes Steps Toward 2016 Presidential Run


It’s Time For A New Society, A New Economy, A New Way Forward.

Dr. Jill Stein is “testing the waters” and forming an exploratory committee to seek the Green Party nomination for President of the United States.

This is the time to come together. Solutions are in our hands. Justice is in our hands. Democracy is in our hands. Together we can create a world that works for all of us, and ensure that People, Planet and Peace will prevail. It’s in our hands.

Read the press release.

Watch Dr. Stein’s announcement speech on CSPAN.

Climate change documentary showing in Lincoln

Three episodes of Showtime’s Years of Living Dangerously will be shown in Lincoln at Meadowlark Coffee and Espresso, 1624 South Street.  The showings are sponsored by the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Interfaith Power and Light, and the Nebraska Wildlife Federation. Come down and watch this engaging documentary about climate change with your fellow citizens:

  • Winds of Change: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, January 30, 2015
  • Dangerous Future: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, February 6, 2015
  • Moving a Mountain: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, February 13

About the series, from Showtime:

“This groundbreaking documentary event series explores the human impact of climate change. From the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy to the upheaval caused by drought in the Middle East, Years of Living Dangerously combines the blockbuster storytelling styles of top Hollywood movie makers with the reporting expertise of Hollywood’s brightest stars and today’s most respected journalists.”

Read more.

Death penalty repeal: 2015 could be the year!

From Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty:

Last week, Senator Ernie Chambers introduced his bill to repeal the death penalty. This will be Senator Chambers’ 38th go at abolishing the death penalty. Let’s make it his last one! After a near win in 2013 and two years of organizing to make sure our new legislators understand why our death penalty fails us, we have great reason for optimism!

Read more and learn how you can help.

Next Omaha Green Drinks Jan. 28

Here’s everything you need to know about the next world-famous Green Drinks get-together in Omaha:

  • WHEN: 5:30 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, January 28, 2015
  • RULE: Fourth Wednesday of every odd month (Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sep., and Nov.)
  • WHERE: Whole Foods Market Omaha, 10020 Regency Circle; education room by restaurant seating, across from coffee bar.
  • HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, carpool 🙂
  • WHO: Anyone working on environmental issues (green business, architecture, design, clean energy, natural resources, and more) or studying them.
  • WHY: Fun, contacts, alcohol (and non-alcohol), info, gossip, inspiration, business, and pleasure.
  • NEW: Just go up to someone and say “are you green?” and you’ll be made welcome.
  • REMIND: We have a send-only email circulation list for both Omaha & Lincoln; to get on it, send an email to with subject “subscribe”
  • PRIVACY: This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders.
  • STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network. Continued growth and learning at every meeting. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge with others.
  • Check out the Green Drinks Facebook page.
  • Join this Facebook event.

Harrington Sisters Defend Tradition in Keystone Pipeline Fight

From The New York Times:

BRADSHAW, Neb. — An unpainted wooden barn sits in a snow-dusted cornfield along a gravel road, one of many that dot the rural horizon here.

This barn, however, contains no horses, tractors or farming tools. Its roof is covered with solar panels, there is a windmill out front, and the interior is plastered with signs with slogans like “Build Our Energy” and “#NOKXL,” in protest of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which could run under the property if President Obama approves the project.

The 1,179-mile pipeline, first proposed in 2008, would carry oil from Canada into the United States, connecting with existing pipelines in southern Nebraska. In Congress, the Senate continues to debate a bill to approve the pipeline, and the House has already passed a bill to approve its construction.

Four Harrington sisters — Abbi, Terri, Jenni and Heidi — grew up in the 1960s and ’70s tending livestock and crops here, and three of them have remained in Nebraska and continue to farm the land. They fear that construction of the pipeline could threaten their livelihood and a family farming tradition that dates back about 150 years, to when their great-great-grandfather settled on the plot.

Their wind- and solar-powered barn, constructed in 2013 after activists raised thousands of dollars online, was built as an unsubtle protest against the pipeline, a physical barrier along the proposed path.

Read the full story.