Larrick Taking Senate Campaign Across Nebraska Bike Trails

Steve Larrick is taking his Nebraska Green Party campaign for the U.S. Senate across the state – by bicycle.

“We ride bikes to celebrate and protect the natural beauty of Nebraska,” said Larrick. “Our Green Party platform redirects America’s resources away from wars over oil to develop energy from wind, sun and other renewable sources,” said Larrick .
Larrick’s bike trip began on Friday, May 23, at Nebraska’s western border with Wyoming and passes through Scottsbluff/Gering, where he helped scores of families into affordable housing as a loan officer for the USDA Farmers Home Administration in 1977-1978.

On May 24, the Green bike tour picked up in Valentine and covered 156 miles of newly-completed segments of Nebraska’s Cowboy Trail from Valentine to Norfolk. Larrick worked as ranch hand at the Bar Eleven ranch near Valentine in the summers of 1973 and 1974.

“Northern Nebraska is beautiful and has great wind and solar energy potential,” he said. “We can create green jobs and revitalize rural Nebraska communities by developing clean, renewable energy for electric cars and high speed rail service across Nebraska and the U.S.”

“If we redirect our nation’s resources toward a green future, we can end wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and avoid additional wars in Iran, Venezuela and elsewhere,” said Larrick. “The Nebraska Green Party is about real peace dividends and sustainable prosperity.”

Larrick’s bike campaign ended Saturday, May 31, with a ride from his home in Lincoln to Omaha, where he graduated with honors from Westside High School in 1970. He later earned a bachelors degree in economics from Grinnell College and masters degree in rural sociology from the University of Alberta.

“American businesses are moving to Canada where universal single-payer health care covers all Canadians at 60% of the cost of our privatized health care system that fails to serve more than 47 million Americans. We need universal single-payer health care to compete in a global economy,” said Larrick.

Larrick worked in community and economic development in Nebraska for more than 20 years with the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Architecture, and other organizations.

“Nebraskans want peace and long-term prosperity,” said Larrick.  “A Green economy is a stronger economy for the future and we can start right here in Nebraska.”

For more information about the Larrick for Senate campaign, contact Steve Larrick at or (402)-435-5612.