Category Archives: Events

Happy Earth Day!

From the Green Party of the United States:

Today is Earth Day! Every day this month we have posted an ecological issue we care about to our followers on social media. We want you to spread the word to your social media connections that the Green Party is working year-round to elect candidates and promote a party that will take action on issues like the climate crisis, fracking, oil and gas mining, and more!

We brought you 22 different ecological issues as we counted down to Earth Day, including some that we may not think about every day (like the ecological impact of landmines, the importance of our underfunded national parks, and bees), but we know the list doesn’t end there. No matter what issues are affecting your community, your place is in the Green Party, working to build city councils, state legislatures, and a Congress that understands the connections between our human communities and natural communities.

Thank you for your work in your community, and for your support of the Green Party on Earth Day. Use the hashtag #GPEarthDay to spread the word! Search #GPEarthDay on Facebook and Twitter to follow our outreach. Share our tweets, Facebook messages and graphics! Happy Earth Day!

Luncheon at UNO April 10: How to build a sustainable grassroots resistance movement

From the Progressive Research Institute of Nebraska:

Jill Reese, Alliance for a Just Society Associate Director, will talk about “How to build a sustainable grassroots resistance movement” at UNO’s Community Engagement Center April 10. The talk will begin and 10 a.m., include a luncheon, and wrap up at 1 p.m.

To eat lunch during this event, you must purchase a box lunch from UNO Catering. You can register without lunch (but are not allowed to bring your own food into the CEC).

The Alliance for a Just Society’s mission is to execute regional and national campaigns and build strong state affiliate organizations and partnerships that address economic, racial, and social inequities.

Read more about the event and register.

Read more about the Alliance for a Just Society.

Former death row inmate, wrongfully convicted, to speak in Omaha

From the Lincoln Journal Star:

Nebraska Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty and the Creighton University chapters of the Young Americans for Liberty and Students for Life will host an evening of discussion with former death row inmate Ray Krone Tuesday, March 31, 2015, in Omaha.
A lifelong Republican and an Air Force veteran, Krone was a death penalty supporter until he was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1992 and sentenced to death in Arizona. A decade later, DNA tests proved his innocence and led authorities to the actual killer.

Read more about the event.

Hear Leonard Pitts Jr. at workshop in Lincoln, April 12

From the Interfaith Peacemaking Coalition:

SAVE THE DATE: Leonard Pitts will keynote this year’s Interfaith Peacemaking Workshop, First United Methodist Church, 2723 N. 50th St., Lincoln, NE, 1:00 to 5:30 p.m., on April 12th.

Leonard Pitts will speak for about 45 minutes, followed by time to view exhibits. There then will be five break-out sessions:

  • 1.1: Implicit Bias; Anna Shavers, UNL Law College.
  • 1.2: Unconscious Bias; Karen Starkweather, Center for Rural Affairs.
  • 2: Three Barriers to Re-entry from Prison to Civilian Life; Larry Wayne, Corrections Dept.; Katrina Thomas, reentrant; and Jim Jones, Oasis.
  • 3. Youth Organizing for Social Change; Vernee Norman, Union College; Keiana Thomas, UNL.
  • 4. Poverty and Organizing for Inclusive Community: Economic Justice; State Sen. Patti Pansing Brooks; Beatty Brasch, Center for People in Need.
  • 5. Racial Profiling in Nebraska; Rebessa Conzales, Appleseed Center; Bennie Shobe, NAACP; Amy Miller, ACLU.

Check out the Facebook event page.

Next Holland Speaker: Angela Davis on Prison Reform, March 4

From the First Unitarian Church of Omaha:

The next Holland Lecture will be on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Speaker Angela Davis will deliver her talk, “Prison Reform: Real or Imagined.”

Angela Davis, is a writer, activist and scholar and comes to Omaha to share her unique perspectives on prison reform, a topic front and center in current state as well as national debates. She envisions a future without prisons and advocates for dissolving what she coined the “prison industrial complex.” Ms. Davis grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, giving her a front row seat to the Civil Rights Movement. In the 1960s, her social activism, involvement in the Communist Party and “alleged” association with the Soledad Brothers attempted courtroom escape made her a controversial figure. The latter led to an intense police search that ended with her arrest, trial and eventual acquittal of the charges. Ms. Davis has written nine books and is Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness and the Feminist Studies departments at the University of California Santa Cruz.

Read more on the Holland Lecture Series from the First Unitarian Church of Omaha.

Climate change documentary showing in Lincoln

Three episodes of Showtime’s Years of Living Dangerously will be shown in Lincoln at Meadowlark Coffee and Espresso, 1624 South Street.  The showings are sponsored by the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Interfaith Power and Light, and the Nebraska Wildlife Federation. Come down and watch this engaging documentary about climate change with your fellow citizens:

  • Winds of Change: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, January 30, 2015
  • Dangerous Future: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, February 6, 2015
  • Moving a Mountain: 7 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, February 13

About the series, from Showtime:

“This groundbreaking documentary event series explores the human impact of climate change. From the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy to the upheaval caused by drought in the Middle East, Years of Living Dangerously combines the blockbuster storytelling styles of top Hollywood movie makers with the reporting expertise of Hollywood’s brightest stars and today’s most respected journalists.”

Read more.

Next Omaha Green Drinks Jan. 28

Here’s everything you need to know about the next world-famous Green Drinks get-together in Omaha:

  • WHEN: 5:30 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, January 28, 2015
  • RULE: Fourth Wednesday of every odd month (Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sep., and Nov.)
  • WHERE: Whole Foods Market Omaha, 10020 Regency Circle; education room by restaurant seating, across from coffee bar.
  • HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, carpool 🙂
  • WHO: Anyone working on environmental issues (green business, architecture, design, clean energy, natural resources, and more) or studying them.
  • WHY: Fun, contacts, alcohol (and non-alcohol), info, gossip, inspiration, business, and pleasure.
  • NEW: Just go up to someone and say “are you green?” and you’ll be made welcome.
  • REMIND: We have a send-only email circulation list for both Omaha & Lincoln; to get on it, send an email to with subject “subscribe”
  • PRIVACY: This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders.
  • STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network. Continued growth and learning at every meeting. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge with others.
  • Check out the Green Drinks Facebook page.
  • Join this Facebook event.

Nebraska Conservation Summit: Dec. 8 in Omaha

From Nebraskans for Peace:

On Monday, December 8, Nebraska’s clean energy leaders will convene in Omaha to attend the Nebraska Conservation Summit. We don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to attend this event and hear from one of our nation’s leading clean energy experts, and discuss real solutions for moving Nebraska into a clean energy future. Event details:

  • UNO Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine Street, Omaha
  • Monday, December 8th
  • Doors open at 5:30 PM
  • Program starts at 6:00 PM
  • Reception to follow

Your attendance at the Summit will equip you with information to dispel the economic myths about clean energy, for example, that it’s “too expensive” and “not yet a viable alternative to fossil fuels.” You’ll get to meet with others who are working to advance clean energy in Nebraska, and you’ll learn what you can do to take action and have an impact on Nebraska’s energy future.

Learn more and get tickets.

Bridging Communities of Color at UNO Nov. 7

There will be a gathering of people interested in working at the grassroots level to reduce racial disparities in the four key areas of Poverty, Child Welfare, Education, and Justice. We will meet Friday, November 7, at the Community Engagement Center, UNO Campus, from 6 to 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

This Omaha-area project is the result of ongoing conversations between Black Men United, Policy Research & Innovations, Nebraska Appleseed, Nebraskans for Peace, Nebraska Family Collaborative, the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation, Voices for Children, and the University of Nebraska Omaha. We believe that change begins at the local level with a mobilized public; we will ask participants to help bring about positive change in the four areas mentioned above.