GPUS Annual National Meeting

via Dave Doonan for GPUS

The Green Party’s Annual National Meeting (ANM) will be held August 3 – 6, 2023! We are delighted to gather virtually providing an opportunity for all to participate this year, while we continue efforts to meet again in person in 2024.

We will miss the opportunity to share in-person space with Greens from across the country, but we can take this virtual gathering as an opportunity for national work on some of the most pressing challenges for this party. Thank you to those who have registered, and to those who have not yet registered, we hope you will join us! Here are some highlights to look forward to:

Great workshops on topics such as environmental racism, grassroots organizing, party-building, peace and war, press conference training, electoral campaign school and coalition building.

A screening of the film “Ithaka”, which exposes the brutal realities of the campaign to free Julian Assange. This film shows a moving and intimate portrayal of one father’s fight to save his son.

Our Keynote speaker this year, Peter Kalmus, a Climate Scientist who works for NASA. Kalmus is a science communicator whose efforts center on shifting culture away from fossil fuel acceptability.

Caucus Meetings, Candidate Cafes and Press Conferences featuring Candidates and Officeholders.

A screening of the film “Healing US” narrated by Susan Sarandon. This film powerfully illustrates that the time is right, and America is ready to heal. More than 70% of Americans support single payer healthcare, but the real tipping point won’t occur unless we all come together and get involved.

Our annual entertaining Fundraiser features Lee Camp, host of the show Redacted Tonight.

GPUS Elections Database Report from Elections Database Manager. Michael Feinstein.

Ballot Access Presentation from our GPUS Ballot Access Committee.

Watch your email for announcements with more details about the schedule, special speakers, and workshops.

All ANM Participants MUST REGISTER to receive instructions on how to convene with us online. Please register as soon as possible.

Registration fees will include admission to all workshops and plenary sessions. Your fees also provide for the infrastructure and staff necessary to produce an online national meeting, plus online workshops, news conference, plenary speakers and more.

We will also dedicate resources to accessibility assistance for those with disabilities or technology access barriers.

As the only political party that refuses corporate donations, we acknowledge the financial burden attending our meetings is for some Greens. We never turn anyone away because of the cost of registration. The current registration price is $100 (the Fundraiser is a separate cost). We appreciate your work and any amount you are able to pay.

If you have any questions, email

Tamar Yager and Dee Taylor
Annual National Meeting Committee Co-Chairs