From the Green Party of the United States:
The Green Party has endorsed the NYC Climate Convergence being hosted this weekend in conjunction with the People’s Climate March in New York City. Join us in New York City and show the world that the Green Party is part of this historic event!
The NYC Climate Convergence schedule is available here. Jill Stein, Cheri Honkala, Howie Hawkins, Brian Jones, Margaret Flowers, and others will be speaking on global climate justice.
If you are participating in the People’s Climate March on Sunday, please join the Green Party contingent. The Howie Hawkins/Brian Jones for New York campaign and New York Green Party will be gathering at 79th Street and Central Park West, inside the gathering area for the march.
You must enter the area from the west at either 77th or 81st Streets, then walk to 79th Street to meet hundreds of other Greens. It is strongly advised to be within the march area by 10:30am to avoid being shut out if the march reaches capacity. Be safe, represent the Green Party peacefully, and let’s fight for climate justice!