The Climate March in Omaha: Sept. 21

Join fellow Greens and other concerned citizens for the Climate March in Omaha:

  • WHAT: The Big “O” Climate March
  • WHEN: Sunday, September 21, 2014 – 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
  • WHERE: Memorial Park, near the ball diamond on Underwood Ave.
  • WHO: Sponsored by the Sierra Club, Transition Omaha, Nebraskans for
    Peace, Bold Nebraska, Citizens Climate Lobby

In Solidarity with the People’s Climate March in NYC because we
care about what’s happening to the planet due to climate disruption and
we want our leaders to address the problem NOW.

In conjunction with the People’s Climate March taking place in New York
City on the same day, local groups and individuals will join together in
a solidarity action to highlight the reality of climate change and the
urgent necessity to do something about it.

All are invited to meet at Memorial Park near the ball diamond promptly
at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 21st. We’ll listen to speakers, rally a
bit, and then (for those who want to) march, bike or drive to the Dundee
Community Garden to join Transition Omaha for a solar tour, which
includes the new off-grid panels at the garden and the new on-grid
panels at a residence three blocks away from the garden. Tours will run
every 15 minutes or so starting around 2 p.m.; marchers can rotate
between the tour locations.

There will be refreshments at the Garden, and everyone who would like to
partake is encouraged to bring their own water bottles, plates,
silverware and napkins as we try to keep waste to a minimum.

There will be some signs available to rally and march with, but feel
free to make your own. And it would be great to have some music, too,
while we’re rallying and walking, so you musicians out there, please
bring your instruments!