Join fellow Greens for the annual Rice & Beans Potluck in support of Nebraskans for Peace:
Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 6:00 p.m
Countryside Community Church, 8787 Pacific Street
(Memorial Hall: Enter the western door facing Pacific Street and follow the signs inside to the downstairs dining room.)
(Rice & drinks provided. A free-will collection will be taken — but it is free to attend. Just bring a food dish to share.)
John Pollack will deliver his keynote address, “Global Warming: The Third Degree Burn.”
John Pollack obtained his M.S. in meteorology from University of Wisconsin in 1976 and came to Omaha in 1978 to be a forecaster for the National Weather Service. He retired from forecasting in 2009, but he continues his interest in weather and climate change. He also remains active in other peace and justice issues, and is currently involved in the fight against the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Special Recognition for Courageous Anti-War Work will go toJerry Ebner and Mark and Marie Kenney.
RSVPs are requested so we know how much rice to cook. Call 402-453-0776 or e-mail with “RSVP Rice & Beans” in the subject line.