Bill McKibben, founder of, in Omaha

Join fellow Greens in a discussion with Bill McKibben, environmentalist and founder of

Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Countryside Community Church, 8787 Pacific Street

Bill McKibben is an author and environmentalist. His 1989 book The End of Nature is regarded as the first book for a general audience about climate change. He is founder of, the first planet-wide, grassroots climate change movement. Foreign Policy named him to their inaugural list of the world’s 100 most important global thinkers, and the Boston Globe said he was “probably America’s most important environmentalist.”

A former staff writer for The New Yorker, he writes frequently a wide variety of publications around the world, including the New York Review of Books, National Geographic, and Rolling Stone. He lives in the mountains above Lake Champlain with his wife, the writer Sue Halpern.

Bill’s talk will describe the current state of global warming through an explanation of the basic math and science of climate change. He will give updates on the movement, working to end our reliance on fossil fuel energy and create a world powered by renewable sources. Bill will join us via Skype in an effort to practice what he preaches, leaving a smaller carbon footprint. Rev. Eric Elnes, Ph. D. will give a brief introduction and facilitate the discussion.