Water and Energy Events

Two events to relay this week, the first being a seminar on water quality entitled “What’s In Your Water?”. This symposium will be held this Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the Hardin Hall Auditorium on the UNL East Campus, 3310 Holdrege Street.

Speakers will include Dr. Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, UNL Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Dick Ehrman, Lower South Platte NRD; Amanda Gangwash, Conservation Nebraska; and Nate Belcher, Green Acres Cover Crops. In addition to the discussion of water quality issues in Lincoln and Nebraska generally, people are invited to bring water samples with them for testing or pick up free water testing kits available at the event.

The second event is in Omaha this Saturday afternoon. “The Future of Clean Energy in Omaha” will feature Eric Williams and Janece Mollhoff from the OPPD Board of Directors, David Corbin with Nebraskans for Solar, Lu Nelson from the Center For Rural Affairs and Amanda Gangwash for Conservation Nebraska. With recent elections producing a progressive and forward-thinking majority on the public power board how fast can we expect a transition to renewables? How far can we take it? What obstacles remain? What can we as citizens do? Join the discussion this Saturday, Feb. 29 from 2-5 pm at the UNO College of Public Affairs Bldg. 6320 Maverick Plaza Room 101.