Decline to Sign! Nebraskans for Public Safety gaining support

From Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty:

Last week, we announced our membership in a new coalition to fight the referendum campaign called Nebraskans for Public Safety. Support for this new group continues to grow! Today, the ACLU of Nebraska announced that they secured $400,000 grantto fight the death penalty referendum. And in case you missed it, be sure to check out the ad that ran in the Omaha World Herald from murder victims family members disgusted with attempts to bring the death penalty back:

Death penalty die ad

The coalition includes victims family members, fiscal conservatives, and faith leaders who all know that the death penalty is broken beyond repair. The coalition launched their website this week. Check it out here to learn more and get signed up to volunteer with Nebraskans for Public Safety. Additionally, be sure to “like” their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter. We need to keep their numbers growing!

Many have asked what they can do about petition circulators. According to Amy Miller, NADP board member and Legal Director of ACLU Nebraska, if you spot a death penalty circulator doing something that concerns you, use the Nebraskans for Public Safety website to report fraud. THREE particularly important things to report if you see them: (1) Circulator not reading the object statement to each signer, (2) Circulator offering something of value to gain a signature, or (3) Unattended signatures left for people to sign with no circulator in charge. Remember: you have the right to film people in public. Film any circulator you find concerning, look for their identifying information and report fraud online at NE4PS website.

Thanks for your ongoing support. We can fight this referendum campaign together and show Nebraskans that repeal of the death penalty was the right step into history.