Here’s everything you need to know about the next world-famous Green Drinks get-together in Omaha:
- WHEN: 5:30 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, January 28, 2015
- RULE: Fourth Wednesday of every odd month (Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sep., and Nov.)
- WHERE: Whole Foods Market Omaha, 10020 Regency Circle; education room by restaurant seating, across from coffee bar.
- HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, carpool 🙂
- WHO: Anyone working on environmental issues (green business, architecture, design, clean energy, natural resources, and more) or studying them.
- WHY: Fun, contacts, alcohol (and non-alcohol), info, gossip, inspiration, business, and pleasure.
- NEW: Just go up to someone and say “are you green?” and you’ll be made welcome.
- REMIND: We have a send-only email circulation list for both Omaha & Lincoln; to get on it, send an email to with subject “subscribe”
- PRIVACY: This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders.
- STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network. Continued growth and learning at every meeting. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge with others.
- Check out the Green Drinks Facebook page.
- Join this Facebook event.