From Ben Gotschall, Energy Director at BOLD Nebraska:
Nebraska has the potential to be a national leader in renewable energy.
With the recent EPA announcement that Nebraska must reduce its carbon emissions by 26 percent by 2030, clean energy is becoming more important to our state’s economy. People all across Nebraska are eager to learn more and share their own ideas about how to build new energy sources that will keep our land, air, and water clean while strengthening our state’s economy.
Come join Bold Nebraska and the Center for Rural Affairs for a community energy discussion:
Tuesday, June 17, 2014, from 6 to 8 p.m.
The Uptown Brewery
801 10th Street, Stanton, Nebraska
Heavy appetizers provided!
Please RSVP and let us know if you plan to come, so we’ll know how much food to order. RSVP to Virginia Meyer at the Center for Rural Affairs, or 402-687-2103 ext. 1014.
Topics will include energy generation in Nebraska, renewable energy, local and community-owned energy projects, and much more. Bring a friend and your ideas about how to move Nebraska forward on energy.
See you in Stanton,
Ben Gotschall
Energy Director, Bold Nebraska