Issue questions for U.S. Senate
Candidate’s name: Steve Larrick, Nebraska Green Party
1. What should be done to support and strengthen the economy?
Rescind the $700 billion bipartisan blank-check bailout of Wall Street. Support true economic recovery by investing instead in Green Jobs. Put people to work insulating homes of elderly and low-income, jobs training and research in renewable energy, and build renewable energy infrastructure in America to harness clean and plentiful resources like wind, solar, geothermal, algae, switch grass, and industrial hemp.
2. How would you address energy needs and concerns?
Retool our educational system to teach our youth the science of renewable energy. This will empower youth to invent a new generation of clean, renewable energy infrastructure. This will restore U.S. leadership in renewable energy technology and reduce our dependence on fighting wars for oil. It will create a healthier global environment and a more peaceful world.
3. What should be done about rising health care costs and lack of insurance coverage?
Canada and Europe provide health care for all their people at 60% of the per capita cost of health care in America with better health outcomes. We need to study and adopt the best practices to create a health care system that serves every American. A single-payer universal health care system is likely the most economically efficient and humane solution.
4. Under what circumstances, if any, would you vote to authorize a military attack on Iran?
A 2008 National Intelligence Estimate for Iran compiled by 16 different U.S. intelligence agencies concluded unanimously that Iran dropped its nuclear weapon program in 2003. Iran does not have a history of attacking other countries. America needs immediate and ongoing dialogue with Iran to avoid war and should, instead, focus on reducing our dangerous addiction to wars over oil.
5. Which 2001 and 2003 tax cuts should be extended and which should be ended?
Our growing national debt is causing a global economic meltdown. Both 2001 and 2003 tax cuts should be rescinded in order to restore confidence in America’s economic stability and leadership. Tax reforms should reduce taxes on low- and middle-income households while increasing taxes on the wealthy to Eisenhower-era levels.
6. Do you support federal earmarks for state and local projects and, if so, under what conditions?
Earmarks for Lincoln’s Antelope Valley Project helped assure the completion of that project. Without those Federal earmarks, we would either be paying higher property taxes or looking at an unfinished ditch running through the heart of Lincoln. We need to cut war-related spending. America spends more preparing for war than all the other 191 countries of the world combined.